
My parents just moved into a new house with a broken intercom system.

In ICS to force close an app. Hopefully this saves you a bazillion steps (=

I actually didn't know this was an option. Thank you very much! I'll give it a try asap!

I can confirm that the site also works with Sony's GoogleTV box and the Logitech Revue. Not all channels are loading up for me but I believe that's not an issue with the device. Each channel seems to be hit or miss.

I just wanted to say thanks for the suggestion! This seems like a movie I'd like. I'm going to give it a go.

I remember reading that spraying paper with starch will make it appear to be a valid bill when tested with one of those pens. I'll have to test it out so don't take my word for it just yet.

"I know people wouldn't listen though. Everyone wants to be given things. Everyone feels entitled. Nobody thinks that things like debt and credit are a problem."

Use the picture you have on your Giz profile. It'll be a winner!

If someone's being a dick and shaking too hard or not letting go tilt your hand slightly inward, place your other hand's palm on your forearm and chop downward like you're slicing a layer of skin off your arm. This will slam right into the other person's thumb and hurt like hell if done right.

How good would this axe be to throw? I've always wanted to learn how to throw axes. I've tried a few times and wasn't bad at it so I'd like to get better.

It's a bummer that it requests contact data. That's the reason why I stopped using Evernote and why I can't bring myself to use Springpad. I understand there's sharing involved from within the app that requires that data. If I have no interest in using that feature I should be able to not allow that permission.

I live in East Chicago, IN. I'm right on the border of IL so I have to remember IN and IL laws in cases like these.

That is why you should always leave a generous amount of poo on your underwear. That'll teach them!

First of all I'm glad to hear everyone is ok. I hope the pilot doesn't get any crap for this. I'm sure it was an accident and after everything that just happened one of the first things that the pilot thought of was to apologize to the person for what had happened. It seems to me like he was a good guy in a bad

I would go one further and say he's begging to die.

One of the issues I have that's a bit frustrating, your mom might run into the same issue, is that other banks are usually unwilling to provide us with ATM images. A situation like that makes it so hard to figure out exactly what happened.

There's no harm at all but like Alan mentioned they may try to talk you out if it. The loophole you would want to use is just tell them your wallet was stolen. They'll be more then happy to issue you a new card at that point.

I work at a bank. One of the things I do is process debit card disputes.

At the time I was mostly playing WoW and using Ventrillo. Visually WoW's quality wasn't up to par with what it looked like on Windows (Windows 7) but it still ran almost as smooth. I'd say a 5-10fps drop in crowded areas but still smooth. I really wish I had some of the screenshots. Unless you went back and forth

I always found the easiest way to run Windows programs/games on Ubunutu was to install it from within Windows. I'd then boot into Windows, install the program, then go back to Linux and run it using Wine. Most applications worked perfectly the first time around.