$20K?! ZOINKS!
$20K?! ZOINKS!
A lot of people care. Maybe just not your neighbors.
AND she did nothing during her entire reign to officially apologize or offer reparations for said regime’s past failures.
Why am I laughing at this? (Doesn’t matter. It’s Monday, so I’ll take any chuckle I can get!)
My first thought is how miserable this must be to drive with the added bulk and so little power.
He was stolen his ability to come out on his own terms by Gawker. Apply this narrative to “the people we like” and judge accordingly.
If you are going to mention Peter Thiel. You should mention Gawker or one of the sister sites outed him. So, he “invested” in the demise of Gawker and forced the sister sites to find new ownership. A touch of transparency would go a long way.
Whatcha gonna do when Peter runs wild on you, brother?
I’m surprised it wasn’t more popular. Mathematically, the MX-30 is five MX-5s!
Thank you for mentioning that hydrofoils are not new. There are a bunch of boat companies acting like they’ve cracked the secret to life, the universe, and everything.
I run up and shout “Watch out, models, that thief is trying to steal you!” and then I date all the models and we go out to a classy restaurant for pie and root beer floats and everything!
“The trial is the latest in a long line of dramas that are affecting Ford’s reputation for reliability.”
I’m guessing a few upper-middle class suburbanites that own other cars and think the similarly priced BEVs are much uglier than a Mazda (which they are). I expect California has a bunch of people in the upper 5-20% income that can afford a new MX-30, own better road trip cars, don’t want something too flashy, and…
Hate to break it to people, but Castro wasn’t Latino either. His father was from Spain ... while Franco’s father was half-Portuguese. If going by ancestry, he has a stronger claim to the role than a Latino does.
If you are talking about Castro, his father was Galician and his mother was Canarian. So basically of Spanish descent.
Not everything is an argument. I’m not against veganism, I just don’t care about it. I’m eating meat, not you. Why do you have to preach to me? Eating meat is legal. I don’t care about your personal feelings on the matter.
This just makes me want a soft pretzel with mustard, rather than a doughnut.
The engineers won’t rest until the wings flap like a bird’s.
I have a theory that some of those are mistakes. I’m aware of clicking the wrong box by accident twice in the past several years. “NP” and “ND” can look the same if you vote quickly before your morning coffee. In both of my cases they were closer contests.
Whereas my local eastern PA supermarket frequently confuses Lebanon and sweet bologna.