I bought mine because I suspect it’ll be the last opportunity to do so.
I bought mine because I suspect it’ll be the last opportunity to do so.
Besides the terrible, terrible, gas mileage it is. Absolutely love everything about mine. Except for the brake dust. My god the brake dust. One mile after cleaning the wheels and they’re covered in brake dust.
I love mine. Besides the terrible gas mileage it’s practical as fuck.
Promising higher taxes hasn’t been a great path for getting re-elected, esp. on something like personal transport in a land where public transportation is a total joke.
What we really need are electric cars with enough character to be considered by the culture.
I would absolutely eat these from a food truck.
This is a great idea but a lot of work for a lazy guy like me.
“Crosstrek.....snapping my neck”? See.....I know this isn’t true because no Crosstrek in the history of ever has accelerated fast enough to snap a neck!
Congrats. You’re that “Congrats. You’re that “Congrats, you’re ‘that...
I note the ratio of stars in his joke to your comment.
At work last week a visitor asked me where he could grab something to eat, like a coffee and a sandwich, that wouldn’t take too much time.
i give costco a bump because they were one of the first chains i was aware of that paid its workers well above the unusal standard in grocery, which is generally garbage, having worked in grocery for a while. so while i really do not have one close, i respect them for being good to their workers, aldis apparently also…
Whole Foods is the truly ridiculous grocery store price wise, you'd go to Stew Leonard's to spend less. Also Costco is great and people from all different backgrounds appreciate it. It's bulk stuff, but it's pretty good quality wise. Going to Costco isn't quite the oh poor me situation this article implies. C-Town…
For my pedantic moment of the day, water-based paints are solvent-based. Water is the solvent.
I saw one of those this week.
fake Italian Beef = Guido beef
So a fake Italian Beef could produce a real Italian beef?
Came for this - “strawberry baskets” is much, much nicer than what we called these in high school.
Italian beef is cooked well done and braised in spicy gravy, then smothered with giardinere. This would seem to be the application where the fake meat would be least noticeable.