David E. Davis

There are signs saying no public consumption of alcohol in parts of Key West, but almost every middle aged white person has a drink in a to-go cup between 10am and 2am. I guess that rule only applies to homeless people and minorities.

I run a 20 year old Honda mower for a small yard. The incentive to replace that well running mower at this point is nil. I have other uses for the $2-300 for a equivalent replacement. I have a battery powered trimmer/edger/blower so I feel a bit better about that.

You should see these gaping assholes charging through and around traffic on I95. A sight to behold. Be a shame if any got bumped by “accident”.

It had its time. Shame it morphed into that self hating splinter site.

i wonder if Milty is still lurking around Gawker media.

That’s a fucking shame shame the owner died because some guy held a grudge that long. should have been the fist guy only.

Don’t care...still gonna squish.

I like the quad tips on the coupe.

Looks like a very tasty adult teething ring. 

If that’s in anyway real, it’s a great way to get a bunch of gasoline thrown the crim’s face.

Musk is an asshole as the sky is blue as water is wet. 

A Lamborghini would be great, but not if the country is filled with dirt roads.

No, P.T. Barnum said there’s a sucker born every minute.

Good riddance to rubbish.

Johnny Cab is definitely not ready for prime time.

Im from PA, its pork roll around here. 

Sheetz has an awesome selection of Herr’s potato chip flavors.

  • The Badlands comes with a heavy dusty modular bumper as standard