David E. Davis

Nice to see the Cro-Magnon Camaro owners finally joining this century.

I’ve spent a fair amount of time in the DFW area. I’ve seen a lot of cowboy boots, not so many hats and no cows (except brisket) or oil derricks. Lots and lots of pick up trucks.

I get very suspicious with sellers that half ass the repairs and want money for a car that won’t work as designed.

Don’t get me started about the local SB drive though customers blocking the entry to the shopping center so they can get these uber- complicated drink things. 

here you go:

Always has been cheaper...especially if you grind your own beans.

Let’s go over the checklist:

Jersey drivers acting like extreme assholes? Is it a day ending in “Y”?. Jerks make driving anywhere in Jersey that doesn’t involve a direct beeline to the shore down Rt. 55 a pain in the ass. Paying a toll to be allowed to leave NJ is the cherry on the shitcake that is “Driving in Jersey”. 

Now playing

Just an excuse to post a LP400S with the glorious nose wing outrace some Firebird Formula cop cars. I have no idea if that Devine soundtrack is the Lambo V12 but suspension of disbelief tells me yes.

I had a meager 1998 Civic EX with manual. It made all of 127hp but that motor loved to sing and the Vtec YO! was fun as a barrel of drunk monkeys. 

YeeHaw with Soviet Characteristics.

So what you’re saying is the one I prefer (turbo and AWD) is likely to be in stock with several choices on the lot. Sweet!

Also the Rav 4 prime hybrid is one of the quickest Toyotas

If you’re willing to pay 24k for one of these penalty boxes, you deserved to be fleeced.

It’s insane to see markups at all on commodity SUV’s. Let alone one that is 20% of the MSRP. The smart consumer goes down the street to Honda/Toyota/Hyundai to test drive their large SUVs.

Rice cereal is one of the first solid food a lot of babies eat.

Someone watching old Top Gear episodes?

The woman said she “let go and let God take the wheel,” the police report said, adding that she believed she did the right thing.

10-1 NYC residents were involved.

I’ve been saving them with the intention of giving them away. They can be refrozen and reused. They last for hours unlike my other reusable freezer packs.