David E. Davis

I have no opinion, I stopped watching after Jezza et al. left.

We have 3 gardens going this year. Our usual herb/tomato/onion garden with a squash plot beside it, a larger plot for radicchio, lettuce and peppers and a small plot up front for strawberries.

I don’t waste money on organic so my ground beef is good to go.

And until there’s no more risk of E. coli from eating ground beef, the nation’s plant-based meat producers would be very happy to tell you about viable alternatives.

I like how they downplayed the chrome bunny teeth grill. 

Big brother thanks you for your endorsement of his surveillance state. Your family will receive one extra ration per week. 

Cutting off your nose to spite your face. Yes, it is a privileged stance to prefer to talk to a cop but everyone that is talking up traffic cameras as such a great alternative is flawed thinking at best. Getting stabbed in the back vs shot in the face isn't a great alternative. 

This is hitting ourselves in the head with a sledgehammer to distract us from the pain of getting shot in the gut. Neither solution is good. I much more more inclined to have no traffic stops and no cameras.

I certainly would prefer to see a judge than be deemed guilty of being 0.1 seconds too slow going through an intersection.

The surveillance state fans are as scary as the cops.

A surveillance state is not a good alternative to cops. Jesus, find a 3rd choice.

Fe2O3 Manager.

So I’m supposed to be supportive of a 100% surveillance state as the alternate? No thanks. Geez, how quick we are to give up other people’s civil liberties.

Yeah but at least I can interact with the cop for a chance of a warning. WIth the camera I’m guilty until I can prove myself innocent. It’s not supposed to work that way and I’m not about to start supporting it.

I’m fine with that.

Awesome, so maybe close those loopholes? Taking my picture and send me a summons to go to court and plead my case would be a better option.

I’ve had their $3 cups and they were the most reasonably priced option. The town I live in has 2 great local roasters so I’m still astounded by the amount of people that visit SBux.

A couple of the draconian solutions I’m reading in the comments (more camera surveillance, GPS speed control, increase police presence at the state level vs local) are a case of curing the disease by killing the patient.

I dont like having my picture taken and getting a fine in the mail. Where’s my due process?

Please don’t give NJ Troopers more opportunities to be cunts.