
NBA beef is the worst beef.

Dear Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,

Man, if only the second paragraph of this post were about that exact thing.

Ah yes, noted professional football league management expert Triple-H.

Totally ridiculous.

“This is even more proof for me that Oprah should run for president.”

this reads like the dating profile of a divorced dad...

Fuck that. Ralph Macchio’s career ended when he got arrested for shooting the clerk in Alabama.

3 bananas constitute a bunch.

I figure after last year, New England fans are probably about as insufferable as they’re going to get, whereas Philadelphia still has a ceiling they haven’t yet hit. Which is why it hurts me to say, but I gotta pull for the Pats.

Is it bad that I want this to be televised so that I can watch him get his shit pushed in by people for trying to fight this little girl?

i had a girlfriend who gave me that exact same look when she got stuck in my radiator grill.

I don’t buy any of these “I’ll never work with him again” statements from ANY of them. The allegations have been around for 25 years, and every single one of them chose to work with him. They knew. All of them did. So their apologies mean nothing as far as I’m concerned.

Okay now do the women.

I don’t know why I clicked. Everything the article had to offer was right there in the title. I knew it. I understood what I was getting. I knew I shouldn’t drive the metrics up and yet I clicked.

“This is about the women. Men should not be trying to make this about themselves.

“Men should be quiet and listen to what the women have to say about this topic. Also, why aren’t the men speaking up?”

So now people are being castigated if they’re tangentially connected to a sexual predator and say nothing? Good to know.

I’m glad somebody still enjoys a nice pass during all this #MeToo nonsense.