
What is a “Tiffany?”

The moral of the story is that being a Wizards fan is an exercise in self owning.

I think their not-so-secret goal is mostly to get more information about Trump/Russia on the record to aid with any other lawsuits that might be happening out there. The problem is Robert Mueller is already looking into this stuff as thoroughly as possible (one hopes) and this will mostly just perpetuate the narrative

Huh, by this standard the year I spent drinking in Korea counts as serving in the Gulf War. Trust me, I saw some shit go down! I lost a lot of buddies, I found them in the morning, usually passed out in the hall, but for a couple of hours, I lost them.

Yeah, but Hillary had an email server that was not very secure. CHECKMATE, libturds.


How did a fool and his money get together in the first place?

You’re citing a common myth.

Not accurate. Source?

Boston fans believing that other teams are lined up to trade their top-5 NBA player for Al Fucking Horford and some chaff will never cease to amuse me.

Ghost of Steven Irwin: “Crikey, looks like I spooked the little bugger. You’re all right, mate. You’re all right...”

Everybody must get stoned!

**David Attenborough voice**

“In times of danger, the Bluegrass Turtle uses fat energy from its neckpouch to survive.”

“I don’t want his trainer in my house.”

He should be careful or his fancy dog will get jealous.

It’s in poor taste to be racist.

Sorry whichever Mike you are (probably Greenie based on your handle being MSG but fuck if I’m looking up what his middle initial is) - didn’t mean to hurt your feelings but hope you understand that most people don’t care about you and that’s okay. No hard feelings, bud.

This fuckin guy.

It’s not really that impressive when you consider that anywhere a ball lands at a Cavs home game is going to qualify as “hell.”

Lol- who the fuck is you people and what makes you think I’m afraid of anything? I notice that the programming sucks and avoid shitty programming. I’ve not noticed any political bias but I’m sure some snowflake would be upset enough that they saw some rifling competition (ESPN promotes guns!) or acknowledged a player