Not true, he has his own charitable foundations that he launders money through.
Not true, he has his own charitable foundations that he launders money through.
He doesn’t donate to charity.
NJ resident here: really hope it’s true. Christie is a miserable POS and richly deserves any and all humiliation he receives for so egregiously abusing his perks and privileges while gov.
True Pats fans right now are torn between whether to blame ESPN or Roger Goodell for this latest unfair outrage. Whatever the eventual response, I’m sure it will contain the phrase “haters.”
There is no violin tiny enough...
I somehow knew even before checking Google that this guy went to Duke.
“Arguments for a wall on the Mexican-U.S. border are ignorant at best...”
Scalabrine held it all together.
I identify as a tuna fish sandwich. The use of “folks” is offensive to me. Please use acceptable words, like “items” or “entities.”
So is this all overthinking things?
Poor Sloth will be all alone...
Over the top wedding toasts are stupid and make it more about the person toasting than the people receiving the toast. It should not be a performance piece, should not rely on inside stories only understood by a small group of people, and should not last longer than 90 seconds.
Cutesy wedding shit (choreographed dances, lip dubs, raps, what have you) is a scourge in general. This best man did everyone a favor by keeping it simple and classy.
I’m betting Trump is pissed that he can’t tweet just that.
I have a sneaking suspicion that U2 will soon replace Bruce Springsteen as the go to band that every white, middle aged, out of touch sportswriter loves and mentions constantly in an effort to appear hip.
“College athlete’s pay is the education they get.”
Two guys who went to Duke think they’re smarter than everyone else, color me surprised.
#TeamKillerMike (not because Nina Turner, but because NOT Oprah)