Step One: Decide how much you want to spend.
Yes, fingers crossed that a Boston sports team will finally catch a good break for once, and a deserving and humble fan base will be rewarded with a legitimate chance at a title.
I’ve got a tattoo on my arm inspired by Drake. It says “THIRSTY”
“I do want to know the whys in life,” Brady said. “I do want to know why we’re here, where we’re going; trying to find that deeper purpose. To live it, through sports in a very authentic way, makes so much sense to me.
Everytime someone uses the term “Quack Trainer” all I can think about is the lack of respect shown to those who make their living doing the near impossible task of training ducks.
To someone who doesn’t play GTA V and couldn’t care less about the balance of the game... the GIF at the top of the post is HILARIOUS!
I’ll take Biden for one term than 45 for two.
I’m not buying this statement. I don’t see Belichick’s signature or Brady’s paw print on it.
Carmelo Anthony added 22, in doing so passing Patrick Ewing for 21st all-time
I have a kid, what I lack is a marketable child or hashtag to go with their name.
Because he $halieves in his $on.
I know they’ve purposely only shown angles of him on tv so you can’t tell whether he’s in a wheelchair or not, but until I see him walking with my own two eyes, none of these updates that say he’s “improving” or “doing much better” or whatever mean anything to me. That said, definitely don’t blame them for wanting…
Jet fuel doesn’t run the ball.
To be fair, I always called him Boner too.
Journalists are already pointing out several glaringly dubious anecdotes in the excerpts—like Trump responding “Who’s that?” at a mention of John Boehner, the former House Speaker he for years publicly criticized—which seem like a stretch even for this administration.
If you buy the theory that Trump is suffering from some kind of dementia/Alzheimers, I absolutely believe he would snap “Who’s that” re: Boehner.
I too refuse to play with lebron