
I don’t know why you expect him to just roll over for these media types.

He’s lashing out in typical pavlovian fashion.

Man, the media is really trying to rub his nose in the mess he made.

So what, Werner Heisenberg was like ten when he smothered a cat in a shoebox and lied his way out of it.

Okay, dad. No more late night tv, it gets you all worked up.

Yep, you sound like a Bengals fan.

That doesn’t really explain his atrocious 48% FT%. I just don’t get how a guy with such a reputation as a shooter, can’t make a FT.

Dude literally carried the Celtics on his back, went through crazy personal shit and was a damn hero in Boston. So this definitely wasn’t your run of the mill trade.

Kuzma has little interest in banging

Imagine how good they could really be if they had a starting PG who could shoot better than Paul Zipser!

I know, right? That’s like saying “a mobile Eli Manning” or “an unsanctimonious Russell Wilson”.

But if he’s a Jay Cutler that cares, does he then cease to be a Jay Cutler at all?- Philosophy 101 Tony Dungy University

Contracts for Algernon

Incidentally, “Back Seat Meat” was the name of my first... film endeavor.

Nope. Back seat meat.

This argument is tired as hell.

Soooooooooo go ahead and post Josh Johnson’s record for us please.

Are you seriously suggesting that O’Brien would rather the team flame out and get a higher draft pick but lose his job, than keep his job by squeaking into the playoffs? Because that’s dumb af.

Offensively large. Blocks my view of the flag.

Counterpoint: he’s got a really big afro.