
I, for one, don’t think there’s any way in hell it will have a solid front axle.

I hope I’m wrong.

I am trying to think of any common 6 cylinders that are under 3 liters. All I can come up with is the BMW 2.5 (no longer sold), the Infiniti 2.5 (no longer sold) and the Lexus 2.5 (????). None of those are exactly volume leaders.

There has never been a factory 454 small block.

Pretty damn close!

Or has its own catwalks and stairs.

Not quite as integrated into the fascia as you posit, but the aftermarket’s already all over this kind of shit.

This sounds ghastly. Would be funny to see some accessory maker do it though.

Don’t give them ideas.

Bring It On Geo Tracker burnout FTW

Herein I argue that fast wagons should be constitutionally protected under freedom of expression. In subsection b, paragraph 4, the words of the great Thomas Jefferson clearly state...

“I do think Brad has a point about the devaluation of the M-brand.”

Curious to know how tall you are... When I drive a Tacoma, I can’t get comfortable at all. Though tall, I fit in pretty much everything out there. But with a Tacoma, it just feels like my legs are straight out in front of me as if I were sitting on a floor.

You may ask yourself ‘How do I work this?’

I always thought these look super dated. The bubble design has not aged well IMO

Only in a rotary Mazda can you be a fan boy and shit talk your own car at the same time and everyone gets the joke...

All this review has made me realize is that the old X5 design still looks damn good

Yes, with a buuuunch of specialized parts for that smooshing. Many Euro shops will not work on this motor. The ones that are left, charge a ton of money to touch it.

The owner managed to make a very classy, sophisticated car look like a drug dealer’s Chrysler 300. Congrats asshole, and CP.

Many owners take out interest-only loans for medallions, so they’re not really trying to pay down the medallion, just service the debt. When they’re ready to leave the taxi business, they could sell the medallion and pay off the loan.

I bought a utility trailer. From Home Depot. For $600.