
My thoughts exactly. I would be driven insane by that constant protrusion.

Menstrual cup convert here! My thoughts are that 6 months is a pretty short life span for a cup (depending on the brand they can last anywhere from 2-10 years). Also a lot of women (myself included) cut the stem off for added comfort, so I don't think I would like the antenna.

The fact that the antenna has to rest on the outside, not inside the vagina, would be a major no-no for me. Have you ever had a tampon that was positioned not-quite-right, not quite high enough, and you could feel it ALL THE TIME? That’s what I imagine this would feel like. Also, I know they say it’s in medical grade

Would your uterus show up on other bluetooth enabled smartphones as a device?

Nothing smells as bad as skinny feels.

Mune is the stoner walk-on punter in a college game that gets to come in during blowouts. He is a national treasure.

I thought the article was about the racial issues underlying the false accusations of rape made against black men, like the first several paragraphs... But then a few sentences later, it’s just a retelling of two black women falsely accusing white men of rape... Did I miss something, or is this just all the f over the

Cool. Mysterious. Maybe even a little dangerous? The only fashion accessory anyone should ever need.

The size is what kills me. It makes me feel like someone’s decided my eyes are too feeble to read normal text anymore.

Nope. Definitely not. Also, the giant blank space to the left is killing me.

*stands up*

Am I the only person who watched Skins?

Thank U for this post.

Good thing you’re here .... to reMIIIIIND them...

The title is just a joke, right? We all understand that domestic sheep have been selectively bred over millennia in order to have way more wool than they would have had in nature...right?

I’m the technician that digitized the material. There are several interesting projects on going and I recommend you keep up with the lac Flickr or Facebook account they do end up posting a lot of interesting material.

Umm...nothing. I don't even wear a slightly uncomfortable shoe.

THANK YOU. I was introduced to the fact that this was the tone for all parenting articles while I was still pregnant, and reading an article about how to continue breast feeding when you return to work. The article helpfully suggested that I hang a sign on my office door to let co workers know that I was using my

Writing for the NYTimes?

I have the urge to send a card informing I’ve donated $100 on their behalf to my local woman’s shelter or something.