

Registered Nurse? No. I get it that there will be a "nursing shortage" but there are so many people pushing into Nursing right now and it's soooo hard to find a new grad job. It took me over 8 months. My friend who graduated honors, over a year. Another friend, 2 years. I had to move to Southern California (from

That DC thing was stupid, but whenever I've gone through the TSA line they always scan the ID or look under the UV light. I've never seen them just visually check it.

Once, this guy called me Princess *gag* I tried to explain to him politely that calling an Adult Woman, who you do not know, Princess is not particularly welcoming. He called me stuck up and went off on how I don't know how to take a compliment. Calling a 25 year old Professional a Princess is not a compliment. I

Is that the Left Sided Diva?

Now playing

THIS. This is my life 24/7, but means so much more when shark week begins.

As a school nurse, I bow to you for this comment. Bravo.

It's very difficult for me to communicate with our new apartment manager. She doesn't speak English. Irritates me to no end. Luckily I have really awesome co-workers that I pay with baked goods to call her for me and translate. Our last manager was amazing and you could reach him by phone, email, or text. He was very

If we're bringing back the grey's can COTD follow as well?

A bit off topic, but not really, what happened to the Father and his teenager daughter who snuck her black "boyfriend" in to her bedroom, claimed she had no idea who he was, and the Father shot the young man in the head? Any charges bought about?

Yes! We need this! It's also about the fact that Oakland has one of the highest rates of trafficking underage girls. One of my close friends from high school was being pimped out by her Uncle in Oakland. We both cried together for an hour when she told me everything. I called my mom who's a Social Worker and last I

Ummm you guys. This is like a 3am Period Wet Dream for me. Cheesecake! Chocolate! SALTY STUFF!!! I need one delivered every morning on the first 4 days of my period.

My Aunt has custody of my two little cousins. They aren't blood relatives but still family. Her son use to be married to a woman I shall call Sara. The two of them divorced and he got custody of their 3 children. Sara had 3 more kids with 2 other guys and lost custody of them. The 2 youngest ones went so my Aunt since

They will find out. I have two social security numbers but I only used one. I was issued on automatically when my birth certificate was filled by the hospital, but my Dad had already applied for one for me, but that one did not include my middle name. My mom use to live with my Uncle when I was born and turns out he

Is it me or does the German fans in the stands during their national anthem already look drunk?

Ugh. This is almost worse than the profile of a guy who messaged me a few weeks ago. 33 year old man, Japanese-American, never had a girlfriend, very much on Team Jesus, stated his grandmother wants him to marry a white or Asian girl (I'm Black so reading that was awkward), virgin, "failed at fashion designing" but

That Commentary tho. Fuck Yeah!

I learned about this a few years ago when a friend showed me the trailer to Anal Acrobats 2. Let's just say it took me 6 months to eat cereal again. I still never look at milk and jaw breakers the same way again.

My mom did that crap! I started giving her sarcastic responses. Sitting on the toilet *knock knock* "What are you doing?" "Cocaine off the toilet seat". Painting toes with the door closed in bedroom. *knock knock* "What are you doing?" "Digging my way to China".

I live in an area near the US/Mexico border. Obviously a lot of Hispanics and conservative beliefs. Also, one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the State. But God forbid if you teach these kids about sex. We are actually having a syphilis issue among our teens in the county and I've referred over 250 students