
The seller says it recently received new belts and seat upholstery...”

I think the entire world is ND right now.

Well put.  I’m tired of these blatant NDs.

A 1996 family sedan with six figure mileage for $12,500? Yes it’s an SS, but with that automatic transmission and all those aftermarket “mods”...

It’s also rapidly approaching the age where all the plastic and rubber parts start failing and it needs an entirely new suspension and basically every engine bay hose, tube, and gasket. The valve cover gasket already went, so it’s definitely begun. I’ve got an E46 in my garage I’ve owned since it was only five years

The Internet says the window sticker on this would have priced it at 55k MSRP when new. Let’s say it’s insanely loaded and that’s actually 70k. 35k would mean half of new. But at 85k miles and 12 years of use, no matter how pampered, you’re getting into the part of its lifecycle where it costs a fair amount of money

EXACTLY. I don’t mind the car (though it’s probably the all-time low point for the model... at least it’s hard to mess up a wagon), and I like the spec, but they went out of their way to make this unattractive.

This is a clean manual wagon with a wonderful turbo inline 6… and it currently sits at 92% No Dice. Seller, do you have any idea how badly you have to overprice a clean turbo manual wagon for 92% of the people on this site to give it a hard pass?

Spending a lot of money on a rapidly depreciating expensive to maintain and repair car is not a real good idea.  Nice specs on this BMW longback, but I am out.  Buy your fancy Germans depreciated out or under warranty, the in between land just doesn't make any sense to me. No Dice.

Six minutes in and we’re at 100% No Dice.

Honey smells like bee spit.

Say it out loud as you are writing the check: This car was made during the Clinton Administration.

Crack pipe at this price by a factor of 2. We are not really here, are we?

I’m not sure how many people ar elining up for this sort of thing, but that seems like a fair price for it.

We also had a Jack-Cheese, with a dollop of Fox Terrier. A friend owned boy and girl Jacks and a girl Fox-Chihuahua mix. When she bred the Jacks, the boy had an especially good day that also involved the girl mutt. The result: One purebred Jack and five Jack-Cheeses, born on the same day. Elvis was a good boy.

This is a tough one. If you like this model, I can’t imagine there are a ton out there in this good of shape. It may be a little on the high side, but if you found one in better shape, would it be more, and if in worse shape, would you have to put the money into it to get it here (and wind up at the same price point)?

I want nothing to do with an old, crude and bog-slow 4x4 that can’t haul much of anything.

VWs have never been known for being exactly reliable but this is the WORST era of VW. My mother in law had a Jetta TDI. It barely ran and was in the shop constantly.

Fantastic story for Octavia, who 20 years ago was just “Sassy woman with one line” in so many movies. But kept that foot in the door until she kicked it open. 

and still nothing about this will me make me replace my WRX hatchback. 12 years older and its still faster and has more utility and IMO looks better...

$1000 more represents a <2.5% price increase. Considering all the inflationary pressures around the world, how is this at all surprising?