I'm just here for the free food

Xbox being a financial success is not an opinion, it is a fact....

I’m not taking it personally, I’m just pointing out the fact that it is not a failure, and apparently for some reason it’s a tough pill for you to swallow.

Essentially, the only people seeing the Xbox One as a failure are Sony fanboys... plain and simple. You’ve fallen for this “Console War” BS that's constantly being pitched everywhere.

To an extent sure it matters what the competition is doing, but lets say for example I have a product I’m selling. I’ve sold 100million of them and I’ve made 100billion dollars. You have a competing product, but you’ve only sold 25million of them and only pocketed 25billion dollars. Are you worried that your product

Realistically it doesn’t matter what their competitor is doing. They are being outsold, no argument; but calling it a failure is completely misinformed and highly inaccurate. The Xbox brand is a big reason why Microsoft just overtook Apple as the largest company in the world. They are still making billions on Xbox.

This is false, the One X super samples 4K and does look better. The faster load times are a lot more surprising than you’d expect on some games as well.

It’s hardly a failure when it’s sold more than the 360 did at this point in the last gen cycle. It’s still making a pile of money for Microsoft. Many folks seem to forget that the “console war” is fictitious and made up by media and fans. Microsoft was ahead if it’s time when they first unveiled the Xbox One. It’s a

Something like a Roku stick isn’t going to suddenly add HDR support or additional HDMI ports.

Something like a Roku stick isn’t going to suddenly add HDR support or additional HDMI ports.

yeah they said that, but they failed.

I try and stay out of political discussions, but this is the correct take regardless of your feelings about him as president.

If you read the article, particularly the article this one links too discussing this entire idea of exemtions, it specifically says “Test Cars”.

I also can’t imagine all these layoffs and plant closures will be permanent. Surely some factories will be retooled to produce new products or to help ramp up production of existing products to meet demand. But, maybe not.

I’m in my 30's and have had a Buick Regal GS for a couple years now... so don’t feel bad.

I’m pretty sure that this is referring strictly to “Test” cars. So they would be manufacturer owned and operated. Most likely they would have sensors etc that may violate some law about sticking out to far, ornamental lighting, the attached sensor rigs may not have undergone crash testing, etc. It doesn’t mean they

There’s not going to be any fleet sales of this thing....

Exactly. Say you’re buying a $35k car and have $35k to buy it. Why not take an interest free loan and keep some money to then spend on other things like home improvements etc. Of course you need to be smart about it and not borrow the full amount and expect to trade it 2 years later without taking a loss. But if

But you can’t buy used if no one buys (or leases) it new.

I didn’t think it was a good as FH3. It seemed smaller to me and like there was less stuff to do. That may also be because I waited on FH3 and got it with the DLC packs and played it all at once.

I didn’t think it was a good as FH3. It seemed smaller to me and like there was less stuff to do. That may also be

I think you’re not wrong. We don’t know what the pricing is yet, but I bet you’re going to have to be a pretty hardcore Jeep person to want this thing over any other truck out there.

I’ve been using the Lasso to get deer and I have yet to get anything but a poor pelt on anything in the game. I didn’t know you had to get a “pristine” one to begin with, thanks for clarifying that. Hopefully that's been my problem all along.