Nah, no one would ever remember a name like that, you should call it “Knob-and-Circle Tape”
Nah, no one would ever remember a name like that, you should call it “Knob-and-Circle Tape”
My wife’s 2014 Durango has hooks as well, and there’s no way in heck the floor mats are moving. I always have to vacuum up the crap off them before I take them out when cleaning or i’d lose all the loose stuff on the carpet below when wrestling with the dang hooks.
Yep this, snacks or drinking make me drowsy as heck. It’s taking me forever to get through a few games. Last night I didn’t even get to turn the Xbox on to continue Red Dead, I fell asleep reading stories to my kids just to be shaken awake by my daughter to ask me “Daddy, why are you snoring instead of reading?”
You’d think by now that all new cars would have the floor mats fastened to the floor to prevent this from happening.... Just something simple to “snap” into place on the corners, or even just the rear towards the seat.
After watching the video further, I see the “looking down” aspect and you’re right, that smoke is all from the roof, very interesting. Maybe its something connected to other impact sensors to areas you can’t see behind panels or inside the cabin etc, and this give them a visual cue in the video to reference at what…
Do those “Old Timey” camera flashes have a purpose or being used in place of something more modern? Or perhaps I’m an idiot and that’s not what they are, but they sure drew my attention for some reason.
I just ran into this issue when looing to trade our 2014 Durango for a 2019 Honda Odyssey. They obviously weren’t interested in making a sale to us that day, or they were hoping we were so stupidly in love with the thing that we’d just accept their ridiculous terms or misunderstood our situation and thought we…
Yep, I thought like the OP until I saw right at the end where the Explorer stopped the Rogue. I’ve had something similar happen to me once when driving in heavy traffic. I think someone mistook me for another car they were having an issue with earlier because I had literally just gotten onto the highway and they came…
Tom hit the nail on the head with the Durango. Just shut this down now, nothing is better I say, nothing.
That one turn comes way to close to the corner of the house for my comfort.
“...the head on his hair and face will just continue to grow.”
For $6,000. I’d drive it like it is for awhile and take care of the small issues. This would be a good project car for me.
So in other words, the big retailers paid some money to ensure the little guys don’t get their deliveries the same time they do?
I don’t think he would get paid anyway, the Steeler would file for a 2 week exemption that would allow them to withhold an additional 2 weeks of pay, of which I think also means Bell wouldn’t play during that time. I’m not entirely sure how that all works with the exemption. Regardless, at this point I think most…
With that logic, no one “needs a car” in general. When thinking about what someone needs in a car, there is no “one size fits all”. I have come to find over the years, that with kids, and living several hours away from family, we certainly need more space than a lot of folks do. We don’t visit family for a few hours…
No, I read it all, it was just stupidity and I only felt compelled to address part of it.
You need to think about the value of their vehicle over time as well. With the Hyundai they will be in better shape to trade/sell it when the time comes to upgrade because they (hopefully) won’t be underwater with their loan. But something that costs 10-12k more and is taken out for 2 more years is almost certainly…
While we are all entitled to our own opinions, yeah I’m serious, to me, these certainly look have aged much better than 90% of the other cars people are posting. There’s no more plastic on them than there are on cars being made today.... everything has plastic bumpers. And I’m not sure how you figure the spoiler is…