He’s probably much like me and thinks much of the game looks pretty cool, but the building aspect is a huge turn off.
Exactly, it’s a shitty situation for sure, but life isn’t always fair. As some one who’s been through this exact thing before in an unrelated industry, I can sympathize with the people that lost their jobs, but just because every one thinks they should be given a severance doesn’t mean that they are owed it. Even if…
There maybe wasn’t going to be one, but there certainly will be now since they are only releasing half the story they intended too.... The New Frontier had a decent enough ending for me. I’m still sad I won’t get to see the true ending of the story, but I’d rather leave it there then play have of a season and have…
It does matter depending on where you’re located geographically in a timezone. For example, if you’re in the Eastern Standard time zone in December and living in NJ, it gets dark well before 5pm, but go further west in the timezone and you have a whole additional hour or more of day light. Same for the summer. Most…
Agreed, ACIII does not deserve the hate it gets. It did have a slower start, but it was a great game, especially if you’re an AC fan.
While true, that’s pretty standard most places.
Changing or upgrading something thats existing, doesn’t require a permit. If you’re adding new wiring, then generally yes you’ll need a new permit. For instance, you have outdoor lighting that runs on a breaker with a wall switch, and the wiring is damaged, you can replace/upgrade it without a permit. But if you have…
This, too many people forget about his past and his attitude. He’s not the type of guy they want to keep around. It’s his own fault he’s not getting the money he wants and i would be surprised if he gets it elsewhere. Sure he’ll find another team making big money, but he’s going to be far from one of the highest paid…
That wouldn’t surprise me at all if that happened, haha.
That’s what I’ve been wondering as well. Unless they were to spin off Corvette as its own brand and no longer lump it in as a Chevy. Or perhaps they’ll just called it a Chevy SS. It’ll just be a little more special than the prior SS.
I feel like I like this car more than I should.....
I’ve always liked the looks of the Q50's, but they are due for a redesign at this point. That’s a lot of money to spend on something that’s not 100% new.
I understand it completely, you’re the one that missed the mark with your original comment....
It’s for pedestrian safety, it has nothing to do with being able to see/hear them while you’re driving.....
I’ve always used the Xbox branded rechargeables. A few months ago one of mine seemed to stop holding a charge for very long, and then I got lucky and got a couple xbox one rechargeable packs for like $12 when ToysRus was going out of business.
I think the issue is more that it cant fit full sheets of dry wall or plywood in the bed than how much of a “loose” payload it can carry. Its a neat little truck, but it needs to be priced like a little truck and not a big one.
I have an in cabin air filter i haven’t replaced because i havent found the time to take the 4 bolts out of my glove box to remove it to do it. Its out of sight out of mind....
I used to be really into the RC stuff as well, http://www.scale4x4rc.org/home/ is or was another good site for the “scale” RC stuff. I’ve been slowly selling off my RC’s, i just need to take the time to really do it and get them off my shelves so i have more room in my house for family stuff now.