I'm just here for the free food

That’s a good point, it comes off the same line as the Grand Cherokee, just a few inches longer and a 3rd row. Even if you don’t use the 3rd row (which lays flat) its more practical to have that extra cargo space. And its cheaper than the GC.... now that’s a real head scratcher there.

I don’t get why you guys like to call the Durango a mini-van when it’s clearly not. Its probably the best SUV being offered right now, especially for what you get for the money (Not talking about SRT specifically).

Halogen bulbs will not and cannot give a Xenon look..... They might provide a slighter white or blueish hue at the expense of longevity, but they will not even compare to the look of Xenon or HID lighting.

Halogen bulbs will not and cannot give a Xenon look..... They might provide a slighter white or blueish hue at the

If they are going to play adds in my car, then they are going to be paying for my car as well. Sounds like a fair trade off to me. Otherwise if I paid for it, GTFO with your adds.

I sold 2 of our cars last year and the first one I listed on Autotrader. I wont use them again to sell a car. Too many dealerships having their inventories on there. I listed them all over the place for sale and both sold on One took me 2 months to sell, the other took me less than 2 weeks. Good luck!

My neighbors are included in ratings. Not Neilson but a similar company, Im trying to remember the dang thing.... They each have a beeper type device they have to keep on them at all times. My understanding is that its very hands off, nothing manual. The device actually listensfor inaudible code within the tv

I’m probably focusing on the wrong part of the article, but seriously... Cover charges just to get into a restaurant? What the hell????

This is a game I wish would get a sequel. I know it won’t happen but man I enjoyed this game. It was something different, different than the norm of GTA yet very similar. Probably also why I liked Murdered: Soul Suspect so much. Perhaps I just like the finding clues and solving the mysteries. Its a twist on game

And we both know what you suggest won’t ever happen.... so you’re attempt at being a smart ass doesn’t work.

Does anyone really want a sedan that’s even smaller than the ATS was though? The back seat is tight in the ATS, if they are making one that’s even smaller who in the heck is going to buy one? At that point wouldn’t that same person be interested in something with 2 less doors?

I think I like this thing a lot more than I should....

Most can’t hence the situation this entire article is based upon.... Eventually this bubble is going to burst. People can’t keep borrowing so much. Leases help with that if they make sense for you, but as for myself and my wife, we drive too many miles per year to make a lease work, so I’ll just continue to pick up

For someone who’s life currently allows them to drive something like this daily and lives in an area that gets lots of snow but doesn’t have the budget for a V8 RWD muscle car and something else to drive in the winter, this is a good compromise. At least a step in the right direction, and since when is having another

Did anyone ever write a follow up story or find out what happened to that guy that bought the S2000, only to have the seller remove a bunch of stuff from it once he sold it?

If its mist and you’re not going highway speeds, then yeah you’d probably be disappointed with it. But in hard rains and driving decent speeds, having the wipers on is actually worse than just letting the water flow right off.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I bet it wasn’t applied correctly, ie. allowed to fully dry and then buff it all off. if you leave a residue (you’ll see it like a haze/sun glare) then you’re not doing it right. If properly applied, it won’t cause the rain to smear. That said, I can see aerodynamics

It really doesnt take much wind to remove the rain from your windshield if youve got a good coating of rain-x on. Where it sucks is when its misting or not raining hard at all and youre getting all that dirty misty spray shit from other cars on the highway. It just microbeads and doesnt slide off, for that, you

When I sold my 2008 Fusion back in September the recall was still open, the airbags were still not available at that time to do the repair.

Tom, My mother in-law had a very similar experience on a 2017 KIA Sportage last year in the Pittsburgh, Pa area. I recommended her contact you for advice, which I believe she did. Now I wasn’t present but I can hardly imagine she went in there all confrontational like, that’s not her personality, but in the end they

It doesn’t matter, that’s all they manufacture now, you can’t get a new original xbox one, just the xbox one s.

It doesn’t matter, that’s all they manufacture now, you can’t get a new original xbox one, just the xbox one s.