I'm just here for the free food

I seriously question the accuracy of their data. I can’t be the only one that has TV running through the xbox, yet it says the time on TV is pretty low. Id expect that to be higher than gaming..... Also, they can’t even get their own marketing emails they send me to tell me the correct games I play every month, so I

Good question, because I accidently tuned in when trying to watch my local morning news....

Something tells me this strategy is not exactly OSHA-approved.

Now I want to move to a house with more land just for an excuse to get one of these old jeeps and all their cool toys!

My thoughts exactly. I want to know what I can look forward too within the next year. I don’t care about something I might not get to play for 2+ more years. Take some pride in what you have to offer us now and show it off!

did not get ticketed, in part because the concrete didnt look wet, and because the gap between the cones was large enough to cause confusion.

Japans Drift Taxi Will Gladly Take You Slideways

And this is a year where ticks are extremely bad.... if you have high grass you’re more likely to find ticks. Cut your grass just to reduce ticks alone!

Dirt roads were deal breakers for us, we looked at one house that was on one and that was it, no more. I grew up along a dirt road, i’ll never do that again.

Ok, how does one get out of the greys?

Someone thought they were playing a prank on my dad many years ago when they painted all of his tools a bright fluorescing Pink. Well, ok yeah, that’s pretty funny, but it had the added benefit of every single person working there knew who had the bright pink tools, he never had another tool of his stolen by a

This has happened with our Daughter a few times. One time was totally unexpected, we just pulled into the garage and shut the car off. That’s when all hell broke loose.... if only we had known what was about to come I could have moved faster and had a garage floor to mop instead of a kid, car seat, and car.... I was

No, I understand what you’re saying and you are absolutely correct. And technically yes, you have to pay for a subscription to get them. But for most gamers its a bonus, unless you’re not playing anything multiplayer and don’t have gold. But its not worth gold just for those games. Maybe that’s the hook they are

I would think having a date also gives the development team a goal to work towards. Otherwise if its open-ended, where do you draw the line? They would always be trying to create new things and improve the games. You have to eventually draw the line somewhere and call it completed, but how can you if you don’t know

True, but the subscription was something we were all happily paying for long before they started giving us free games. Now its just a bonus. If they took it away Id still be paying for the subscription to play online. So the way I look at it, they are in fact 100% free.

Great Simpson’s Quote, here have a star!

the EPA handles much much more than car emissions, they aren’t going away any time soon, no matter how much Trump wants to make that happen.

Mythbusters did this many years ago and used a car. If I remember correctly, it wasn’t as bad as you’d expect it to be.

I think with the increased costs of living, lower wages, and higher student loan debt, its much harder for younger people to splurge on a sports car or enthusiast type car until they are much older. By the time they get settled in and making enough money to make such a purchase, other things begin to come along like

First thing I noticed as well.