
It's a fair question.

This article is pretty short on facts and explanations.

It will never be practical for anything except possibly surveillance.

I don’t get the purpose of this experiment.

I have pistachios first, hazelnuts second, followed by cashews and almonds.

What’s wrong with brazil nuts? They're not my favorite but they certainly don't deserve nut shaming.

Who would that be?

NH flew by Pluto at about 10 miles per second, these will be flying at 40,000 miles per second.

How do they slow down and/or stop? Will they be conducting scientific experiments at 40,000 miles a second?

Uhhhh, what racism?

So, exactly what does Jemison bring to the table?

Token up to bat...

I'm not in the gutter...

Lobe, the first speaker to actually talk about the program being presented...heheh.

Did Druyan just call for human colonization?

Dysan just punked the whole program...heheh.

Is this gong off?

What have hawking and Milner done so far?

Maybe they should put SpaceX in charge of Kepler.