Imitation Crabmeat

I guess I just don’t understand why this WYTS article has words, and isn’t just this:

Say what you will but they have a perfectly respectable 6 - 3 record in imaginary match ups with Alabama.

How is it even possible to be selfish on a baseball team? Stop hogging all the hits, Ichiro!

But does she really need 9 rings?

You’re going to (hopefully) spend the rest of your life with this person. Have a conversation with them like a goddamn adult and get her exactly what she wants with an agreed upon budget.

  • Athletes with facial hair are less effective than they would be if they were hairless.

The 2002 Kings Lakers series was 100% rigged by the NBA. I don’t care what anyone says.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Oh great, jellyfish have learned how to post internet comments.

What is the point of jellyfish, anyway?

Italian Manager: These conditions are terrible!!!

I am tired of this negativity. Deadspin always sees the glass as 19/31 empty. I choose to see it as 12/31 full.

No better way for the athletes to get the true Rio experience than by living in favelas.

I find it interesting you think RG3 will stay healthy for 5 games.

I feel really bad that “neighbors backyard” probably isn’t gonna make the final 53. Had some great receptions in camp.

“See, I should be good to go”

- Aldon Smith

Harden at a strip club? So do I.

I would warn the NFL of a potential suit, but after looking at that picture, Pellman clearly has no idea how to put a decent one together.

I told my (now) wife something early when we started shacking up: You can tell me what to do, or how to do it. But not both.

I was born in the early 80's and everyone had the John Belushi COLLEGE and Scarface poster on their walls. Do kids still have those?