Imitation Crabmeat

Not 1, not 2, not 3 but a whole bunch of motherfuckers.

A player has the ball long enough to be the runner when, after he squeezes the potato with his greedclaw and his thundertrunk suctions to the swampy grass, he is capable off warding of a hex from the Field Magi, swallowing the potato outright, gallivanting to the dusky dimension via mirrorpool or fog portal, or filing

That moment when your brain can’t decide if it should be angry or impressed.

The beer regulations at grocery stores like Giant Eagle are insane. You have to buy the beer in a specific, separate beer section and can’t just buy it with your other groceries. Not knowing this, while in Pittsburgh for a game, I picked up a 12 pack and then went on buying other tailgate items. I then found out that

It’s almost a given that they’ll either win fewer games or not be as fun to watch next year. Whether or not this is a net entertainment loss relies mostly on OKC.

at least 73-9 and doing the Moses Malone 4-4-4-4. They have to erase any shred out doubt they are the best next year

The Durant “spicy hot” take brings up a good question: “What the fuck does success look like for the 2016 Warriors?”
Sure a championship, but they broke the regular season win record without Durant, do they need to break 73 WITH him? Do they need to sweep at least two teams in the Playoffs? What if Durant is a one/won

I got 11 balls today

Let’s not forget that the NBA draft is inherently bullshit. Players have no say in where they play or how much they get played. It’s just an attempt to level the playing field for billionaires that are incapable of hiring competent people and staying out of their way.
I cheer each and every player that leaves a city

Hard pass. Murder For Pizza went downhill after they started adding prog elements in the “Box of Infants” EP. And TFTD’s just a Too Many Daves rip off band.

“I don’t know man. Is there a mirror in the room with the cup?” - A-Rod

Kid With Basketball: And we got to meet James Harden too! Oh my God!!!

Those are repulsive.

A couple other tips:

Give the kid a break, he learned how to play defense from James Harden.

You’d still need a veteran like Dirk or Gasol to be a stabilizing presence for those guys.

WADA mess.