
Ouch is right. If I ever wanted an object lesson in what it is to be "curved" (a term I despise by the way) that was it!! Lord, he had his hands out there for a minute too and she just left him hanging.

My biggest issue with the "What if Wes isn't actually dead"-angle is the same one I had with Bryan Singer and The Usual Suspects (though for the most part, the Keyser Soze reveals still stands as one of the biggest WTFs I've ever witnessed on film). In TUS, Bryan Singer cheated (a little) and if Wes isn't really dead,

They probably already accomplished that in the comics with Archie vs. Zombies or whatever it was called so I'm not sure whose threshold we would be referring to exactly at this point. As far as I'm concerned the show has not yet perpetrated anything truly egregious (and I'm speaking as an old school Archie comics

Though I assume you're joking (my funny bone is on the fritz these days), I'll just say an orgy isn’t a relationship. It's a recreational activity. I'd like to see them avoid the stupid triangle and try something different for a change.

Came out of retirement on the Scandal board just to say:
(re:autostraddle) Ashley, please link afterward.

Apropos of nothing really, (maybe Frank's "false" confession to the cops) I just find this so interesting: On the show and in the thread, people say Frank killed Annalise's son. I was just saying (upthread) how I don't usually draw distinctions about murder like this (with regard to Sam killing Lila when actually Fran

Agreed. It was my first time seeing Brett Butler since Grace Under Fire ended so I was quite surprised. My hope is that she wasn't added just for that (to surprise me). I hope they actually had a whole point for introducing her.

…But, they're kind of all murders or accomplices to murder at this point, aren't they? It's (to me) a weird distinction to make about Asher alone. Asher's volatile, yes (hence the beat-down and the running over of the DA) but it seems to be a very fine line. Especially if we take into account (which no one ever seems

This is a weird aside so forgive me, but I agree. There was this part of The Good Wife when Cary (Matt Czuchry) was in trouble and then in jail that was absolutely gut-wrenching. I watched the whole episode on pins and needles and I thought Czuchry was doing wonderful work. Then just that quick, he was out.

My hope for the show is that they just come out and make Archie, Betty and Veronica a triad…which even as a kid (before I knew such a concept existed) I always kinda thought they were.

Somehow Moose being a closet-case wasn't a big surprise for me. But if it robs me of Midge, I'm gonna be sad. Aside from B&V and Valerie from the Pussycats, Midge was always the Archie character I wanted to know more about.

Yeah, I didn’t particularly like what they did with Zoë and Wash in Serenity.

Thanks for replying. It might be easy to be dismissive of my complaint and you aren't. But you also acknowledge you don’t know, so let me at least try to tell you.

I'm a fan of the Sports movie sub-genre "The Baseball Movie" (for that I blame my older brother). And at the heart of the best ones IMHO has always been a romance. I love BOTH the sports shop talk of trade deadlines and no-trade contracts, what the GM does versus the Owner, etc. AND the almost kiss between Mike and

Seriously. I'm tired, unto death, of seeing this. The cry of "Why can't they just be platonic friends?" is the trope I'm actually fatigued with. I just don't see this belly-aching with any other type of pairing. I mean, I don't really watch Lucifer, but is there this much harping on that in the fandom? How about Castle

Agreed. No way he’d have survived 3-6 months in a coma with no medical staff to, at the very least, feed him.

Okay. That's just a really weird way of putting it, though.

I don't know. Without the strong leadership of a Mob boss or "La cosa nostra" it's not like people wouldn't have been victimized by a protection racket. It's just it wouldn't have been an "organized" one. And as a result people would be getting bled dry by numerous groups instead of one and/or caught in the crossfire

You are absolutely right. But I don't think there have ever been title cards that gave any definitive indication of amount of time elapsed. Which is really all I was suggesting.

Yeah, the timeline is all over the place. I always thought Rick was in a coma for two months. And I thought they confirmed that timeframe when Fear came out. Especially when they made a point of saying all of Fear would take place in the two or so months that Rick was in a coma (but now I really don’t have any sort of