
My only comment is that IMO Dany wasn't sufficiently upset about losing one of her dragons. If they are like her kids, she should have displayed a little more than the equivalent of "Aw Fuck". I'm not saying she needed to be crying and rending her clothing but she was more upset about losing Jon than one of her

A couple people have said basically this same thing in reply to my statement but I'm replying to you because you were the first to say it.

I think the fact that we now know both Dany and Jon have legitimate (and competing) claims to the Iron Throne, it's pretty clear one of them isn't going to make it. Even if they manage to fall in love, between the birthright issues and the incest issues, it's not gonna happen. If Jon had been illegitimate then I'd

I'm thinking Jorah's gonna be the wight and that will really put the fight into crystal clear focus for Dany. He won't be the only one to die though, just the one they chose to bring back. I'm going to guess that Jon will make that decision and that was why they had him be the witness to Dany and Jorah's affection for

By Cersei's fucked up logic (similar to Tyrion), it could be said that if Jaime knocked her up and she dies in childbirth that technically he killed her. It's a stretch but she's an idiot.

I thought that too.

That whole part was pure fan service. I appreciated the hat tip though.

It's simplistic but I think, "It's not you." Just meant, Nymeria isn't her Nymeria anymore. Like this Arya ain't the same little girl who ran off her pet wolf all those years (?) ago on the King's Road.

Apparently, it does really well internationally which makes a big difference. It took Unforgettable from a show that shouldn't have lasted one season to a show that lasted five (even after being cancelled once). I wouldn't count Elementary out yet.

Oh. I don't get it, but maybe it's not for me to get.

Are you adding this info in support of my statement or to refute it? Just curious, cuz it certainly reads as support. Thanks.

I know your being facetious. But have you seen the woman? She's gorgeous, her husband's hot and she's about to be a Commander on Star Trek (a personal dream of mine). I wish I was Sonequa M-G! (I'm sure having her paycheck wouldn't hurt matters either).

You have very decent points.

It's weird to me that people keep saying this. Aren't the chances far better that Gimple sat Sonequa Martin-Green down at the beginning of this season and told her he planned to kill her character off AND THEN she went and landed the Star Trek job? The truth was people had been predicting her death since she and

Apropos of nothing, is it my imagination or does the Cheryl Blossom actress look exactly like Holland Roden from Teen Wolf? Even to the point of the (Elvis-like) upturned top lip?

Yeah, the first second I was so pleased to see Chuck. Then to see him turned into a douche two seconds later was very disappointing. I also don't really like what they're doing with Josie so far. Like, I understand where she's coming from but then they cut to her shutting Valerie down in a way that suggests she might

OMG!! Big Ethyl is BARB!!! I think I'm on another realm of existence (like Barb apparently- who knew? The Upside Down is actually Riverdale).

Quiet here for almost a whole year and now I'm posting twice in two weeks…is Scandal pulling me back in? God, I hope not. Anyway:

I think it's Bonnie too. She's gonna cover that ass (her's, Annalise's, whomever). Plus, it looked like Wes was about to flip on Annalise. We already know, like Homie the Clown, Bonnie doesn't play that! LOL!

Absolutely agree! It makes sense to me that it was Bonnie too. For one, Rebecca's death was a bone the "Puppy" wouldn't let go of - which had potential negative consequences for Bonnie specifically. And two, until Wes showed up, Bonnie was really Annalise's pet project and confidante. As Annalise and Wes rebuilt their