
Well, I believe Andrea told the Governor so some people were definitely speculating at the time, if she was anyone to go by. It might just be a case of nearly no one still being alive to remember that now.

I've been a lady my whole life and I have never ever heard this two week thing. I'm pretty sure the shortest interval is 21 days. Are you a doctor? 'Cuz that stat sounds off to me, but I'll differ to your MD, if that’s what you're telling me.

Hardwick and Co. actually talked about this tonight and Lou Diamond Phillips said Negan's people are like the dregs of humanity. They could be worse without someone like Negan reigning them in. It could be a Saddam Hussain-type situation where once the head is cut off then the entire house of cards collapses and not

Without the benefit of a pregnancy test I seriously doubt any woman is gonna realize she’s pregnant before her first missed period. So using your timeline, it's highly unlikely that Rick could be the father. Honestly, in the end, even Lori admitted she didn't know. (Although again I think that was more wishful

There wasn't a title card. To my knowledge they've never used a title card on this show. You’ve always had to just guess from context. Even though we could have benefitted from one more than once. But between s2 and s3 is about seven or eight months I guess (which honestly still procluded Rick from being Judith's dad)

"Let her live?" What do you mean?

Well, Dave Alpert said he would have if not for Carl’s bad behavior (just so they had some stuff to defend themselves with -against walkers presumably). But then again, Alpert didn’t write the episode, so who actually knows.

Since you're being as willfully ignorant as you are accusing others of being, I'm gonna spin you a little analogy.

The EXACT same thing.

Seriously. All Trump did is revive the "Southern Strategy". I mean, you can even Wikipedia it.

Clearly, I don’t.

I upvoted this just 'cuz I'm at work and it definitely sounds like my job. It was my dream, however, that recapping TV shows for a living was somehow better.

Okay, that's fair.

I really am not anti-criticism. This review just read to me like "Please God put me or it out of our misery." I agreed with a decent amount of Zack's points but I still like the show. It seems like he really doesn't.

I get that, yet I still enjoy the show (but I also don't have to write 500 words about it weekly, so you know…) All I'm saying is though I haven't read through all 2000+ comments the vast majority I see are not terribly constructive. And consist mainly of people who congratulate themselves on no longer watching the

Then dump the freakin' recap! That seems self-evident. They dump plenty of recaps.

Yes, I actually assumed that was the case. Again, serious not sarcasm, I know this is a job not a hobby because I am an adult not a child. And really at this point, why else would he be writing about it anymore? He clearly isn't enjoying himself. Although, somehow I feel like AV Club would let him switch off with

This was a critical analysis yes. But written by someone who seemed like they were being tortured A Clockwork Orange-style.

Then maybe that’s when AV Club's recaps should have stopped. Like I said, unlike you, I'm not being snarky.

Who's asking for a fanboy? I'm suggesting that the reviewer not sound like having to watch this is his punishment for some infraction.