
AMC only just announced season 8 last week. I'm not sure where you got 2020 from? (Although I'm sure if the ratings continue as they are there'll probably be a season 9 and 10, like you suggested).…

I feel like you should stop recapping this show, Zack. Not because I dislike what you said. You're entitled to your opinion and I even agreed in part. But this review seemed resentful and bitter. Like, is someone forcing you to keep writing this or can you move on? 'Cuz I think you should. I know this sounds snarky or

Yep. Darius McCarey. (I might have misspelled his last name.)

I agree about last week, but last week I was pretty sure I was just imagining it. This week however seemed super obvious…but again I love Lauren Velez from way back in her Oz/New York Undercover days so I'm incredibly biased and basically ship her with everybody on any show, so you know… my judgment can't be trusted.

I don't know if anyone else saw it or already mentioned it but can we talk about how Annalise and the university president were eye-fucking each other through that whole first scene? Or was that my very willful imagination? Why do I feel like Lauren Velez is about to give both Famke Janssen and Billy Brown a run for

I like it. Let's see if it gets a little traction

That's one of those things you miss when you watch alone as part of a binge. The whole "Why is your penis on a dead girl's phone"- thing was a bombshell when it happened. Promos, tweets, OMGs up the wazoo at the time. That was sort of an event for first-run watchers so it's not something you can judge properly in a


That's what I was thinking too and it made me so sad. I love Eve and I love their relationship. I know it's obnoxious to talk about in these terms but I ship her and Annalise more than Coliver. (Do they have a portmanteau yet?)

I agree but I've been confused by how Greg's DNA got into the mix since, you know obviously Steven's his kids too. (He's half human after all…I really have been wondering for a while.) I'd love to hear theories. I'm not super deep into the fandom so I'm not familiar with any prevailing fan-theories (or any theories

I used to love Television Without Pity because you'd get dissertation length treatise on the latest episode of True Blood or whatever your particular poison was. Just really engaged critiques. I miss that site so much.

I'm at the point now where I only engage in the comments section here at AV Club exclusively. In one very particular fandom, I'm on Tumblr and FB but only because the community is sort of insular, civil and supportive. Otherwise, I tend to avoid fandom in general like the plague. But I must admit even with all that,

I just learned what a "luvvie" was from the Iron Man Three director's commentary! So interesting to now hear it out in the "wild", so to speak. LOL!

That would be cool but I assume she heard what Theon did to her "brothers", so I don't think that would be a very warm reunion. And though Arya may have mellowed out a bit more recently she's still much more "kill first, ask questions later" and better equipped than she used to be to carry that inclination out.

Aid from the actress is what I'm banking on and maybe Arya stowing away with the troupe to get back to Westeros (now that it's confirmed that there's a bounty on her head).

Thanks! I honestly couldn't remember. The books were awhile ago for me and I read them all in a feverish month. I have to say binging both of the literary and television- variety doesn't lend itself to total recall. At least for me. Honestly, the last two books are a complete haze. I really only remember the broad

Thanks for that! I didn't agree that the Jodor reveal was unearned. I found the whole sequence quite poignant but this little article combined with the fact that he had already previously told D&D about it pretty much nullifies that complaint for me.

Don't feel bad, me too.

I was wondering that myself. She seemed just as confused about it too. Then she pulled a Sam Tarly and left the damn spear! Ugh, girl!

I think it's the reverse. I think they were CGI in season four and now they were played by real actors.