
Real question: do we know definitively that two other children can warg? We've speculated that his siblings probably can but has it happened? The only other person I remember warging on the show was the wildling dude Orell. Jojen wasn't a warg, he was a clairvoyant. And Meera has no extra-sensory abilities. So I feel

Closed captions say you're right.

I just wished that the slap (which Alicia totally earned, by the way) could have come before she went up to the podium with Peter. Then she should have pulled herself together and went up with him, THEN left his ass standing there at the end. I would have been infinitely more satisfied with that. The sequence of

I kept saying to myself last week when the Karstarks went over to the Dark side, "It's okay 'coz they had a legit beef but the Umbers would NEVER turn over Rickon." God, that was seriously demoralizing to watch. If that's what's coming in the books I don't think I can handle it.

Unlike what I think you might be saying, I didn't dislike Danny exactly, but I saw the many flaws he had combined with Mindy's many flaws and wished their relationship luck. I was okay with it purely as your standard rom-com trope (and most importantly because I've always liked Chris Messina). But when they decided to

I spent a lot of time in the comment section of 4A saying a lot of the stuff you are now. So, bless you. I don't have the energy for it anymore. I just wanted to thank you for helping me feel like I'm not the only one watching this show critically.

Question: Is the "Mulatto Butts" song new? I don't remember it. (I might have blocked it out though.)

I agree. That was a total slip. She's Rita to him. Liv briefly introduced her as "Gilda", which while not really close to Rita could be if you're in the middle of your own personal nightmare where you discover your zombie ex-fianceé and (for all intents and purposes) your potentially dangerous ex-girlfriend are

Listen, I've seen Cicely Tyson up close (almost met her!) and I gotta tell you, you want to look like Cicely Tyson onstage or on screen. LOL! In real life she looks tiny, frail and all 91 (or okay, more like 85) of her years. Me and my friends concluded that she just turns it on on-stage. Something about the audience

Well, Frank is pretty gross in general (IMO) with that perpetual smirk of his, so I don't know that I noticed him particularly relishing his murdering duties. So my answer is yeah, I still need to know why.

Fortunately or unfortunately I don't even think Carrie would be nominated in the same category as Viola. She's a supporting actress on The Leftovers. Keri is another story. Despite all the critical acclaim, I think The Americans just doesn't have the viewership.

I felt like we got to see the precise moment they both checked out in that hospital room, with their dead baby between them having to pose for that horrible picture. Like witnessing both of them disassociating, psychologically and from the marriage itself.

I think what makes it worse is she believes it. Annalise blames herself for absolutely everyone and everything. And they're all more than happy to keep piling on.

That's the million dollar question. I'm waiting for that explanation- which may be coming soon. As of now though, we do know that Frank was Sam's pet project and stray, not Annalise's. She took him on at Sam's behest- which explains, at least superficially, why Frank was loyal to Sam.

That was a harrowing hour of television, wasn't it?

Yeah, I totally agree. All of that too (although since in truth it was Maggie's idea to play mercenaries in the first place ordinarily she should be at the very front of the volunteer army list) but being pregnant, I believe more than any other thing makes her presence not just ill-advised but an actual liability.

I thought the constant jeopardy this season was more a way of inuring the audience to his appointment with death than necessarily faking us out. The first time I thought Glenn was a gonner I was beside myself, by this time with Negan…I'm sure I'll be sad but it'll probably more of an "eh" than an "OMIGOD!"

I heard there will be a few "fucks", etc. in the SF, which will be bleeped for the subsequent reairings.

I like to think of myself as having feminist leanings…generally convinced a woman can do anything a man can. I'm all for autonomy and self-actualization also. However I do think that when you're carrying another person in your body (key: that you fully intend to keep viable) it behooves you to exercise a healthy

Definitely! She said so herself when she was talking to Carl.