
You mean Orange Crush spent ad money on them.

Bless you! I actually laughed out loud for at least a minute at this. Thanks.

I actually agree with you that he should have been handcuffed but technically they deliberately kept the ropes loose the first time around because not to do so and leave him on the side of the road would have been akin to killing him. They just didn't realize apparently that he was a ninja-Houdini- spider-monkey.

Okay, I'm gonna try broad strokes since it would take a long time to break it down moment to moment, scene to scene. Especially given the fact that it was really just a lot of small ones scattered throughout dozens of episodes but it's been there:

Yup, it's like calling sprinkles "jimmies", be prepared to be made a laughingstock.

Nope, Bennifer (the original recipe of J.Lo and Ben Affleck of course, not him and his wife) were the first.

Listen, without naming specific family members, this happened in real life in my family in the forties. Obviously not titled people, seemingly in the "modern-era" and in the colonies not in jolly old England. Do you know how, excuse the pun, royally fucked up the girl's life was afterward? And how difficult her kid's

I'm gonna go ahead and admit right here that I'm in a one-person ship that wanted Tom and Mary to get together eventually. …But at the same time, I did have the decency to feel guilty (and a little dirty) about it.

Is this a crass fat joke about a dead man that I'm not getting or an actual thing? I know the Krispy Kreme people come up with weird shit to do with their donuts.

I'm glad to hear this. I enjoyed Jessica Jones. I'll definitely be there for season two.

…ridiculous. Obviously, as they say, some people are just getting their medical licenses in Cracker Jack boxes.

I know this is meant as a joke, but when I saw the run down of the timeline in which he lost weight for The Machinist gained it back for Batman Begins, lost it again for The Fighter, put it back on (and then some) for The Dark Knight, and then added fat for American Hustle to then have to bulk back up for Dark Knight

No, I agree. I was being flippant. I enjoyed Grace and Frankie, Bloodlines and both the Marvel properties so far, plus a couple of the English-imports too. I want to see them all come back, I'm just anxious to hear that Sense-8 was renewed. That was really my point.

Does anyone know when/if Sense-8 is coming back? Other than OitNB and Kimmy Schmidt, that's all I care about.

I think that's somehow an apt comparison.

Yeah, maybe. I just think, "No! Do not give him any positive reinforcement. When he can learn to conduct himself like an adult then you can encourage him to express himself like one."

I just think Winn needs to mind his own business and stay in his lane. Whatever is happening between Kara and Jimmy is none of his business and the only reason he thinks it is, is because he has romantic designs on Kara himself. It's just unflattering behavior. Neither Kara or James owed him any sort of apology for

Am I imagining it or was this scored to the theme of The Beverly Hillbillies?

Honestly, TV show FX budgets are minuscule so they really can't feature most of that stuff without the result looking super cheesy.

Yeah, I really need the Astra/Alura/Jor-El thing explained to me.