
I know there are probably crossover issues (among other things, that Russell Crowe is never gonna be on the show) but I need them to explain their relation to Jor-El. I'm not a big Superman fan, and thus don't know the full history, but am I to understand that these women are Jor-El's sisters? If so, it sounds like

I hope his douche-bag tendencies don't get rewarded. This show will seriously lose my respect if Kara ends up reciprocating his interest once he puts it out there. Not everyone you like is gonna like you back, that's like, a lesson straight from elementary school. No one owed him an apology. It irritated me that James

Okay, so the "Foster-Grant" thing was the first thing I thought about…sad. I was like "what a convenient in-story product placement opportunity! Talk about synergy, considering how much of the whole concept of this show relies on the right pair of glasses."

I remember it most for a really cheesy ad-campaign in NYC, featuring stars: some dude *not a winner* of American Idol and R&B singer Deborah Cox leering at each other in period garb.

I was thinking that as well. 'Cuz Winn is getting really gross. And knowing that technically he shares his name with a comic book villain, I've started to just assume that must be where they were eventually going with this. Otherwise, it's just icky. I hated that James told him to go for it. (Brohomie Friendzoni, if

I got my first email account in college (showing my age) and at the time my school offered a service where you could print out all your messages at the end of the semester. Thing is, you had to trek across campus and pick them up at the print shop. I wondered why until I went there to retrieve ONE semester's worth. It

It's funny. I like Patty but I don't particularly want her to be part of Team Flash. It's got enough members and everyone contributes something different. Like Eddie, she's just another cop. Eh. I don't know but she interests me more as Barry's new GF than anything else. (My inner feminist is dying a little inside

Me too. I never found Blake compelling particularly but it was okay. I had really high hopes for Kalinda's husband though (and I like the actor Marc Warren), so that was a pretty big disappointment. The less said about that one the better.

This is not really directed at you specifically, but I hate how everyone says Matthew Goode didn't work out. It was a great slow burn relationship that it felt like the Kings lost their taste for. Or Matthew decided to go back to film.

What did you ask her?

Can I just say that I love that we're calling them "The Biffs".

Yeah, that basically seemed to be the gist of it.

Okay, so I can't answer all of these questions but I have something for a few of them:

Well, you got me! That's definitely his most recent response to the question but *totally speculation here* it might reflect his growing fatigue with being repeatedly asked the question (especially since he's not really considered a legitimate contender for the part). Initially, he said he'd definitely do it:

He's said more than once that he'd love to do Bond (Barbara Broccoli even gave it her blessing). But every time he answers that question to the media the Internet has a conniption fit and the racist fanboys go apoplectic. Given that, if I were him, I'd keep my enthusiasm for the project low-key too.

Okay, I've already argued this subject to death previously. So, I have no interest in really revisiting this. Except to say,

First off, Mindy is crying because what he says now means more to her. Not because he's expressing opinions he didn't have before. His words carry the weight of a lover now.

I think we just disagree, because I recall in reviews of previous episodes of previous seasons on this very site Danny being called "mean" among other things by commenters. I also recall people saying they'd overlook it because it was inconsistent with the Dancing Christmas Present-Danny and Climb into Hospital Bed

Though it's referenced and sort of seen multiple times on the show, the accident is very unclear and poorly choreographed, I thought. I think the bus swerved to miss Reva's body and ended up hitting Kilgrave. Logistically, I don't think that makes a lot of sense but if you add in the fact that the driver was drunk and

There's one plot strand in later episodes that for some people really works and for others, like me, was completely extraneous. If you can wade through this lull and that one, I think you'll find it was all worthwhile. And the end is pretty satisfying. (I hope that wasn't a weird sort of spoiler?)