
I agree. People see this as a reversion but Danny, like a real person, has his contradictions. Remember Danny is firmly Catholic but still loves and supports his gay brother without reservation AND is in love with a woman without any real religious affiliation, let alone a non-Catholic one. What we saw previously in

It's funny because this is exactly the type of situation pre-Cana is made to avoid, but as Ma Castellano might say "It's too late to shut the garage door after the 'Vette's been stolen."

I hate likening things on shows to real life because inevitably you leave yourself open to getting hit with the (totally justified) rejoinder that "this is a TV show not real life". But, like when Danny left to care for his ailing father, this is exactly like real life. I understand people being upset that Mindy and

Agreed. Totally.

It's funny that you feel that way because I think a lot of people (or at least the posters here and the few people I've spoken with that actually watch) were on the fence about Season One and actually liked Season Two better. It seemed like freeing themselves of the constraints of the pre-plotted first season allowed

I noticed it too and decided for the sake of my enjoyment of the next 60+ minutes to ignore it. But I concur, the continuity lapse was pretty egregious (and just plain sloppy).

I just read a interview with the showrunner, Melissa Rosenberg, that said Jessica is more like a B- list superhero than A-list, so that makes more sense to me now. I just wish they'd been a tad more explicit about her capabilities. 'Cuz it's confusing when she's lifting a car in one scene and then struggling with an

It might be a continuity thing, because in Man of Steel they were pretty inconsistent with it too. The Kryptonians clearly breathed some sort of air. Much was made of their (and baby Kal-El's) difficulty with Earth's native atmosphere but then just promptly forgotten when Superman needed to fly in oxygen-free space to

I wish it was her jumping over Trish's balcony. Even if it lacked grace or involved a running joke prat-fall, it would seem more "superhuman". This is one of the biggest issues of the show for me. Her powers don't seem casually employed to me, they seem largely negligible.

In the house I lived in as a kid the entryway to the kitchen was very narrow and I would climb up to the ceiling (only about six feet off the ground) the same way Jessica did and hang out there talking to my mom while she cooked dinner. It just requires good leg strength (which I had then but don't have now). Forty

I wouldn't mind seeing Anders Holm back. I liked Casey a lot before they made him a complete flake to clear the deck for Danny.

Okay, I'll buy that. I thought their interaction was only to signify that Jarden was already in Meg's radar but then she could have run into anyone there to make that case. So yeah, I guess it does makes sense, given the outcome (as you said), that it was Evie. Still, it feels like that conclusion required a bit of

I could have sworn he whispered to him "maybe you won't die" too. But right at that moment I have to admit, I wasn't paying close attention. Like Joshua, the Quinn plotline has not had me riveted.


You guessed that Evie and her friends had disappeared to join the Guilty Remnant and blow up Jarden?

They're estranged. They don't really go into detail why. Just that he didn't really take to boxing.

They mention him in the movie. Rocky says he didn't really take to boxing and he moved to Vancouver with his wife. As a result, he doesn't really stay in touch. The unspoken but expected development is that MBJ becomes a surrogate son.

I only started really watching TVD last season so I'm unclear on how much of Giuseppe's abuse was prior knowledge and how much is retcon? Can some one help me with that? Because as far as I know two men in one hundred and fifty odd years does not a discernible "pattern" make (even if we exclude the prison world

Hence why many of them believe they were "left behind". This would be a beyond sad world to live in.

I watched the scene twice to make sure (I like Tom, always have) and I'm pretty sure he groaned when Jake went looking for his pulse. I don't think he was dead…at least not at that point.