
I thought it was kind of distracting on Scandal and actually Seinfeld too, back in the day, when they Claire Huxtable'd Olivia and Elaine. I know it's hard to write a pregnancy into the storyline in a credible way most of the time, but this is a supernatural show, so they have the benefit of supernatural deus ex

One shoots in ATL and the other in NYC, so logistically perhaps it's easier than splitting your time between East and West coasts. Plus, shows seem much more accommodating to actors that are double-booked than they used to be in the old days. I don't know, we'll see…

That's a shame 'cuz he would have made an awesome Negan (I still remember him best as Cromartie from Sarah Connor Chronicles…he's so versatile!) Not that I'm sad Jeffrey Dean Morgan got it. I think he's gonna do a really good job. I do wonder what that means for his part on The Good Wife though?

I'm not in my twenties and so this might be conjecture but in context, as people I know (read:black people) use it, it's the same way that you might be "here" in Law school to study tax law or "here" in the back row of Barnes & Nobles to hear Carol Joyce Oats speak. That's the same way that Kayla is "here" for a

I'm not sure. Are you talking about the baby Lily? 'Cuz she's a girl. Also, yeah I think Tommy hid her status because she's one of Holy Wayne's progeny. (They revealed last season that there were a few different pregnant girls, if you remember).

My friend and I have been saying for years that the Grant White House must be airtight! Because everyone is super sloppy and they never have any leaks.

I thought a couple seasons back after Mellie told Fitz that his drinking had become a problem that made the kids uneasy (in that EPIC takedown), he'd agreed to quit. I also thought they'd said something about him filling the decanters with iced tea or something (I could totally be making that up). But either way, fuck

Mellie's not even allowed into the WH anymore so unless Cyrus is helping her and she smuggled some WH stationery out of the building when she left, what she supposedly did isn't even technically possible. But you know, what the fuck, just go with it.

Lots of hypocrisy to go around definitely but he still wasn't wrong though. Perhaps he wouldn't have said those things to her if she'd been a man (he probably wouldn't have kissed her either, LOL) but it still needed saying. And at this point, apparently he's the only person calling her on her shit.

Do you actually not understand what those terms mean in context or do you just object to them as "all that new-fangled slang these ridiculous kids nowadays are using"? 'Coz you could just Google the answer. (That's what I did with "on fleek" and was pleasantly surprised to find a whole NYTimes article about it).

You did and it was wonderful! If you can, I'd watch the scene again just for that.

Well, c'mon, birthing calves (or any other mammal for that matter) is rather gross and trying to describe it in pretty, faux-profound prose is even more so. I just don't remember any flavors being involved, LOL!

Thank you!

You're right that would be super interesting, but you're also right that you're attributing Shondaland forethought into any of these characters actions.

Laugh out loud moment of the episode: Olivia telling her new client that she couldn't just go tell the president about her rape. "That's not how this works." says Olivia.

You're not alone. I keep the captions on at all times and I didn't see any "sweet tang of birth". Now, maybe I missed it but honestly I don't know how I'd have missed a descriptive passage so evocatively gross.

I'll totally grant you that the road trip storyline doesn't gel with the sick parent thing-COMPLETELY. You're totally right. I wasn't arguing that point at all. But not understanding how a sick and/or dying parent can totally derail the rest of your life and take you away from other responsibilities (even if you were

Since the very first episode, Denise and Chad were the characters I liked least. (Or even before the first episode in Denise's case). So the question is how did they become the crux of my enjoyment of this show? How did I allow that to happen, LaToya? How did it HAPPEN!?!

You're probably right but I agree with Tachyon Don. They were heavily hinting that it was something bigger than just a kidnapping and pistol whipping. I thought they might have raped him too. Right before the doctor closed the door there was a look of surprise and concern on his face and Cookie seemed shocked too.

Whether or not you like it, it's realistic and potentially poignant. A dying parent is, for lack of a better term, a time suck, a black hole emotionally and physically (in that you can't get away). It's exactly the type of thing that could take you across the country or (in my case, for a grandparent) across the