
Considering the fact that I dislike Denise Hemphill for philosophical reasons, I have to agree with LaToya. I missed her and Zayday. There was also far too little Chad Radwell. Three things I never thought I would say. What are you doing to me, Ryan Murphy?!?

Technically, it sounds like Danny's dad might be dying…

If Targessian won't even refer you to the boards they're talking about then I suspect you're being trolled. (I haven't seen anything about it either and I'm all over AVC).

Except for the cursing, this sounds more like Shonda Rhimes to me than Mamet, which is not the insult you might take it as (and under other circumstances I might mean it as). It just reveals to me how much that repetitive rhetorical style has become her trademark. Oh well, I suppose Mamet can and has had worse (and

I was thinking this too, but as usual I had to just shrug and go "yeah, well whatever".

I think, even IRL, we aren't fair to women like Mellie. She didn't want kids and she's not particularly "motherly" but that's still a long way from not caring about the children she birthed. There are a lot more folks out there than would probably admit it who wouldn't have had children if they felt like they'd had a

THIS 1000x!

This was one of those episodes where I stop midway through to ask myself why I still watch this tripe. It was so annoying!

I would have literally thrown myself over the blockage rather than jumped up on that dumpster. That was ridiculous.

In the real world with real world logic, most definitely…in TV Land where you save big character deaths for season finales, maybe not so clear-cut. I was convinced (and depressed) for the same reason you mentioned….they'll get to his body eventually, his head was still exposed for chomping, etc. But The Hollywood

I still think Enid's a Wolves-plant. (I think she started to tell Carl she let them in, before he interrupted her). Chris Hardwicke shut it down kind of immediately when someone suggested it via Twitter on TD, which makes me think we're on to something.

I know Damon tore out his heart or ripped off his head or whatever but can we please have Kai back? He was a villain I could get behind.

Good point! I never thought of that.

Lucille? B.B. King is on The Walking Dead?

I felt the same way. While watching the scene, I thought "Poor things, trapped in those cages until they starved to death." My priorities are WAY screwed up 'cuz all I thought was "Eh." when Lady Limp bought it.

Honestly for me, would be a bit of both. But the relief would definitely take precedence. Glenn is core for me.

Coming out of this episode, I was devastated. And it really never occurred to me that Glenn might still be alive until I read it in The Hollywood Reporter http://www.hollywoodreporte….

Like Bob, there's no point in killing him until he turns. And as you said, he was still able-bodied. What were they going to do, shoo him away like a wayward trailing puppy? He was still in his right mind and able to help, unlike limpy girl and ankle-shot dude. I'm not a proponent of "cut 'em loose as soon as they

There were also stairs to a roof or a second floor. I don't know why they didn't consider them a viable escape option.

ROTFLMAO! If that's where you think you saw the baby's head then I guess that must be where it's hiding 'coz she certainly doesn't look pregnant. Do we know, in story, if she's definitively pregnant? I feel like that was never actually made clear. Especially since she told Andre she was pregnant under duress last