
I'm in my late thirties and I'd be all about a Song of the Lioness CW series! I adored those books as a kid. Okay, honestly I was in my mid-teens by the time the last one (at least the last one I know about) was released. From your mouths to some production company with a development deal's ears!

Was that necessary? Correct him and be done with it. ….Or are you old friends and that was a weirdly hostile joke?

I agree. The new species was very interesting. I didn't care for the incest but it created novel tensions.

Here's the thing: on the one hand there's a real desire to tackle what you've just said as it relates to what I said. On the other, there's a real cultivated indifference and lack of interest in wading back in yet again…

THIS. I spent a couple of months rationalizing then woke up. Ryan Murphy and Shonda Rhimes have basically the same philosophy but that hasn't stopped me from watching their shows. What the Lost experience taught me is to never get too caught up in the hype. I'll happily contribute my opinion (good or bad) but I refuse

My bad. I don't think my point that looking for questions that have eventual answers in a Lindelof production is a fruitless endeavour. Anyhoo, I stand somewhat corrected.

Really? What was the island and the church where everyone reunited? I'm honestly asking?

It did streamline things but I gotta admit I was shocked when they killed off the entire McCawley clan! If there was a fourth season I'd watch it but they seem as though they're floundering a bit now.

Lindelof said in multiple interviews that the island on Lost was not purgatory. Then lo and behold, final episode, what is the island? A place between life and death, Heaven and Hell…aka Purgatory. A lot of people forgive him for his misdirection or have fashioned some kind of make-shift resolution from the

I can't imagine anyone but Ichabod wants to be her partner at this point. Not only do you die, but you die gruesomely. If you throw Andy and her ex-boyfriend into the mix, I could understand her colleagues not even wanting to befriend her.

Hawley only became interesting to me once they revealed that his surrogate mother was a succubus. If they bring back that storyline (and Jaime Murray along with it-she might be available, I heard through the grapevine that Defiance was getting cancelled), I'd be down to see him again. Otherwise, no thanks. I also

This is a legit question, not me trying to antagonize you: I get coming to recent reviews to read (if, like you said, you don't mind spoilers and just want to share in the experience) but why would you comment if you're seasons behind?

I honestly wish I could upvote this multiple times…

We're not going to agree but you should take a gander at some of Chris Moore's seasons. My argument is not about whether or not Effie Brown engaged in civil discourse. My issue is about how much push back women and PoC are allowed to give before they're considered to have exploded or blown up or overreacted or

I'm sure lots of people used such terms in speaking of him too.

Maybe I missed the curse, I didn't, however, miss the point. Whatever Effie said, she said it relatively calmly and it wasn't the crazy apoplectic scene everyone is making it out to be. Over the top? Hardly. She was frustrated by a recurring issue.

I just watched it. She didn't say F*ck you to Marc. Marc said "I know you're going to tell me to f*ck off but you need to apologize". (I paraphrased).

Thank you!

You find that men regularly call each other drama queens or invoke their love of "drama" during arguments, do you?

Sexism doesn't exist until people mention it? Duly noted.