
Someone on another site reminded me of this.

I agree with this.

Was she really 15? Are you certain? Because although her affair with her boss was creepy and skeevy, I didn't have the impression that he'd have actually gone to jail for it. Did I miss that? I mean, I guess he could have gone to jail technically but I thought she was like, seventeen, nearly eighteen in season One.

I totally thought this too!

I definitely got the impression he was turned on. Like, ready for release turned on. I though he felt like he and the tiger were these twinned dangerous beasts and if she was brave enough to put her hand in the tiger's mouth he might just have hit the jackpot! I think that was the foreshadowing for when he finally let

At this point it's kind of silly to even say it but, awesome episode as usual.

This is four months later so please forgive me but my fingers were itching and I just (could not stop myself truly) had to add…she slept with Peter too. And I think it might have been suggested very early on, at least one of the cops in the Chicago PD.

That's the way I read it too.

I love that I'd never thought about their relationship in those terms before. While I was not surprised that Will "broke up" with Hannibal, I'll admit I was surprised by how overtly the scene read like your very traditional break up.

You called it!!! (Not that it was a shot in the dark to guess, no offense.)

It was better explained than the space aliens abducting people in AHS:Asylum or a minotur fucking Gabby Sidibe in Coven. And both Asylum and Coven were shows that people (including me) watched regularly that didn't manage (to my recollection) to get an F.

I was just thinking that as I watched the opening. It actually never stops being jarringly incongruous with the whole show.

What's awesome (and instructive) for me is that the Scandal finale was so awful that I didn't even bother to read the AVC review.

Thank you.

I believe he was a football player. I think he just didn't get drafted by the NFL. I believe he went as far as college ball though before it all went kaput.

There was far too much carnage for them to get accommodations. If it had been (unfortunately) only the seven cops dead- yes, I counted- you might have been able to make a case for hero status. But too many civilians and by-standers caught hot ones for anybody to come out unscathed.

Definitely not a joke. Max was a little shit from the first episode and unfortunately they blamed a lot of it on his Aspergers and not on his criminally enabling mother (and father, sometimes).

No review I've read has mentioned it! Weird. It reminded me of Rob Lowe in Behind the Candelabra…wildly funny but creepy as hell.

My bad, it's been a while. I could have sworn Arya's last chapter in one of the books ended with her getting cracked in the skull with (what turned out to be the broad side of) an axe. Oh well, it doesn't negate my ultimate point.

…But as a book reader you know it's "unrelentingly dark". People who read the books when they first came out went years (between books) thinking nine year old Arya Stark got her head chopped off by the Hound. Years! How can you know that and complain that Shireen's death (or anyone else's for that matter) was a bridge