
Cool! I like that we were both right. Thank your friend for me! LOL

I read the book and the show's depiction was so much worse. It was truly grotesque and excruciating to witness as a viewer. I don't think anyone would be heaping praise on this portrayal if it was an extended flashback of a man repeatedly raping, manipulating and sexually coercing a woman. It would intolerable. In

I have to vigorously disagree. I watched the show on my phone with a terrible streaming connection (long story) but still in HD quality. As a result, it froze numerous times throughout the episode. Many times on Gillian Anderson's lovely face and I literally had the pleasure of examining and counting every brow line,

I think I noticed a couple different people referring to "years" this episode. I thought perhaps that signaled the fact that D&D had finally just made the executive decision to age everyone and everything in line with the real-time passage of the show.

I'm guessing that would be why you should sit him down and have a thoughtful discussion instead of just letting him dig around until he comes up with something on his own, most likely drawing all the wrong conclusions. Might be a good place to bring Ravi and his research into the play as well. But again, that doesn't

I figure you're probably joking but that was still way harsh on a 19 year old.

I've always felt that J.Lo's actual wheelhouse is action or action/comedy. She's got comic timing and she's much better in stuff like Out of Sight, Money Train etc. than anything dramatic. The movies where she has to play a tough girl are far better anything else she's done. She should have done like Angelina Jolie

Sigh. Now that I've seen Niecy Nash in Getting On whenever I see her revert to this type of shit it's just irritating. Far more so than if I didn't know she was capable of more.

I don't know about that. I think they said it in the episode: Robert never had to deal with Sol in that way. In that "we're a unit with a public face" way that couples have. Where one person's behavior reflects on the other. They were only a couple privately. And as we saw, Grace is flawless in that way that you never

I'm assuming the last part of your comment (the "adult drama" part) was meant as a joke since not only are both these shows based on comic books but they're both based on DC comic books.

Just had a thought. Maybe Wells will be around! Eobard only killed Wells to speed up the time line of Wells' exploding particle reactor right? So maybe now that he never existed the real Wells will be around at STAR Labs to help? I know I'm grasping at straws here but look: TOM CAVANAGH AT ALL COSTS!

Hmm…I don't buy it.


No, but it would substantially change the way he dug. He's currently bumbling into dangerous situations. If he knew the people he was after were super-humanly strong, potential flesh-eaters, he might proceed with a greater degree of caution. And that's all that one can do. These are grown people we're talking about,

You're on point with this analysis of the sitch, It definitely feels self-serving. (I just hope you're right and this is the way the writers were intending to frame it all along).

Yeah…but like Barry, he's going against his gut and not saying anything when he knows he should. That's crazy.

It's the same problem I was having with The Flash until two weeks ago, why are you keeping something this important from someone who needs to know? Liv and Ravi are crazy. Keeping Major in the dark at this point is beyond insulting, it's dangerous. And it's just plain stupid. That they could let him check himself into

Sacrilege! How can you not like Crowded House?!?!

I'm sad to see him go. I was hoping they could find away to save him or I guess, save him from himself.

CORRECTION: It's like watching someone beat a puppy to death. At this point, I find myself self-soothing after every emotional scene that involves Barry and either Dad #1 or Dad #2.