
It was actually a ginormous guillotine-shaped glass shard to the gut. I only mention it because it has since engendered a very healthy fear of any and all broken glass in me ever since!

Tony Goldwyn was in a really pretty good remake of Last House on the Left a few years ago. He can do this. (He'll never live down Carl Bruner though).

I've heard from every mother I've asked that each labor and delivery is its own unique creature. Easy once, hard the next time or vice versa. It's interesting that the doctors would tell you that. Probably precautionary advice…I hope for your sake it did/will prove to be true.

I think they're aging Brooklyn up a little and Ethan down a little to meet in their early thirties. Remember, we know Grace is 70 and Sol is 72, which means unless both couples only started having kids in their late thirties/early forties, Coyote and Mallory have to be at least in their thirties now too.

I have to say, I started out not liking any of the kids but particularly Brianna and Bud (honestly, I found Mallory and Coyote too nondescript to even dislike). But I've come to enjoy all of them. Mallory hasn't been given much to do still but I'm enjoying the complication of her relationship with Coyote. I know

I agree. Coyote spoke about having had "a lot of fun that summer". I think they must have had a termination after decidedly too much fun.

Thank you! I was just coming to post that exact same thing. By the time she decided to get to the hospital she was probably the whole 10 centimeters dilated, fully effaced and ready to go.

Melisandre has always grossed me out in the books and now she officially grosses me out on the show too (so bravo, really, to Carice van Houten for that). And since I'm the proud owner of my own personal pair of tits, I don't even get to derive any of the pleasure other commenters have in extolling the apparent

I think you're right and that will be unfortunate. GRRM has done a great job of laying the groundwork for R+L=J (to the point that it was surprising to hear Myles say it hadn't occurred to him until someone mentioned it). So to just change it now in an effort to be contrary or to avoid being scooped by a show he willin

I assumed every one besides other zombies like Blaine and Lowell, who figured it out immediately, figure she's an albino. Most folks didn't know her before. That said though, I don't know what her family and Major think, I guess other than that she suffered some sort of nervous breakdown which (like you said) scared

It was something like "It was his idea…."

The text of the article specifically referred to a "he" and I think they spoke to him in his trailer (which made me think fairly big "star" or established regular). They said he was surprised and disappointed (obviously). Besides them my other thought was also Jon but I admit to being a bit in denial about that whole

EW did say that someone (a male someone) who is still very much alive in the books bites it this season. I speculated Theon but maybe it's Ramsey although going by the unofficial "One shocking death per season" rule, both of them are too small potatoes to qualify.

I don't remember exactly but Book-Ramsey did most of his really vile stuff when his father was away didn't he? I don't know that his Dad condoned most of it, necessarily. Just what was convenient for his purposes, so maybe that similar situation will keep TV-Ramsey in check too.

That's my thought too. That girl thinks she's about to lose her sadism-buddy. She probably has no head for politics and thinks that beating Sansa up is going to be like abusing all the other girls she and Ramsey had fun with before. I peg her as chief abuser….maybe with an assist from Ramsey before Roose finds out.

Unless Roose dies, I have a hard time believing Ramsey will be allowed to torture Sansa. Roose was pissed when he hurt Theon and Theon was far far less important to his "cause" than Sansa is. It's entirely possible of course, and like Sean_C said it would dovetail it back into the book story line for Theon but it

D and D would murder Iwan Rheon for giving something like that away so either it was a piece of misdirection or an out and out fabrication. People nearly had a stroke when Charles Dance revealed that he may or may not be in season five…and so far that's just ended up being a brief appearance on a slab, so…

Sansa is not a prisoner. More than anyone else there, exemplified by the handmaid's comment that "The North remembers", Sansa has significant home court advantage. As a presumed book reader, you know there are dozens of Great Houses in the North just waiting for the word, any word, from any Stark to absolutely wreck

Yeah, but as you said, she's so much more than that. To the point that this story line has just become moronic. Honestly, once auxiliary Arrow- folks know the deal, the whole endeavor of keeping this a secret has jumped the shark in plausibility. I'm not saying he should take out an ad in the CC Picture News, but at

Definitely Victor Garber's wife. Barry came to her as himself and then had to flash away for some reason…prevent a crime, grab some pizza, something.