
Plus, (and I'm not sure how many people have already said this on the thread but) the minute a secret I don't even really agree with keeping starts damaging my relationship with my significant other…that secret is in danger of being told. Period, point blank. Additionally, let's not get into the perversely

I think you're right (unfortunately) but it would make more sense if he used the experience to allow himself permission to let Harold, Fusco and Zoe Morgan into his inner sanctum. (He and Root have a different kind of relationship- as in a fondly tolerant one).

It's so funny you said that! I kept looking at her eyebrows during the episode (like, seriously, I was fixated) and thinking "Are these Carter's eyebrows or Cookie's?" They seemed plucked to within an inch of their lives! I have to check an old episode to see if historically Carter's eyebrows were always so

Her first credit on IMDB is in 1995, so unless she got the very first role she ever auditioned for, that means she had been struggling in the business for at least a few months (if not years) before that. So, yeah the 20 years she said on SNL is indisputably accurate.

Yeah, it's like Denzel's first Oscar being for playing a slave and second for playing a hoodlum with a badge. (You could even tell in his thank you speech that he was a little irritated that of all the beautiful, nuanced, deeply interesting characters he'd played, he'd managed to finally earn his best actor win for

This literally just happened on The Walking Dead's mid-season opener with Tyreese. Is that what you're thinking of?

I am. Thanks!

Honestly, the secret superhero angle notwithstanding, my dad still treats me like Joe treats Iris. (And I'm a lot older than she is).

Agree to disagree.

I wouldn't argue the "negative personal drama" assertion but what precisely has Iris screwed up thus far?

Just you watch, all the hate is going to continue even after it all comes out when Iris is completely justifiably pissed off. Everyone will just make up a new excuse to hate on her.

I love Joe but I really wanted to gag when he told Eddie he could "overrule" him when Eddie was the husband. Like how patriarchal, sexist, stupidly paternalistic are they planning on getting on this show? For real, 'cuz that was super shitty. It is beyond the pale that literally everyone else from Captain Cold to

I'm about to call it a night but I just had to say this. I'm so sad this was the end. I have loved Justified so much over the years. It was always one of the few things I looked forward to in the desolate tv landscape that was each January. It's like a friend moving away, never to return. I'm verklempt.

I agree. I feel like they spent a lot of this season chipping away at the "Legend of Boyd Crowder" in preparation for this ending. Earlier this season they showed Boyd's swastika tattoo for the first time in what, at least to me, seemed a long time. Then he killed Dewey in cold blood. It felt like the writers were

That would be interesting but difficult to watch I think. Too many cooks in that particular pot.

I think the fact that Debbie did the double "Oh shit!" signified that she did have that realization. I've always thought that Debbie was Lip smart and potentially Fiona promiscuous (not that Lip isn't plenty promiscuous himself) and so I think she's gonna get it quick. I just hope it's quick enough to do something

Apropos of nothing other than the fact that you called Bradley Cooper non-douchey in Alias, I just wanted to say, I loved that show but it took me almost ten years to start to like him again based solely on his behavior as Will. Every time he was onscreen, I just wanted to throw my soda at it and say "Oh Will, go have

Listen, if he said it the way you said it (minus the f-bomb) I'd be there for it. But all that repetitive shit that Shonda likes to put in her speeches makes me wanna smack somebody …or better yet myself for continuing to listen.

More like the "News of the World" crowd. All they need is the Batboy to consult with Pope and Assoc. on his overexposure issues.

My grandmother was a faithful watcher of the Hour of Power in the '80's. I feel bad. I thought he was already dead. RIP