
If that's true, that's awful. Worse than awful actually. Thanks.

Yeah, especially now she's having a baby. I thought it was weird that none of her female friends (even unnamed ones) were at the shower. But I decided to chalk it up to being a casualty of a party thrown for you by a host that isn't in your friend circle/or doesn't know you that well.

Yup. Whenever I discuss the concept of "spoiling" and how I'm largely indifferent to it, I use those exact three examples plus The Crying Game as the only times I can remember that it has ever really made a difference to me. Although in truth, I guessed the twist of The Sixth Sense five minutes in because I'd been

How so?

It is interesting right? While in Canada, natch.

I'm sure being a serious fan-favorite has also helped Jesse's odds significantly. I know for certain that I'm going to bawl like a small child when they kill Joe off. So I'd appreciate it if they held off on that. Plus, if they promised John Wesley Shipp anything when he signed on, I'm sure they're renegotiating it

I'm honest and he was hard to take originally. He's definitely toned down a lot. I mark the improvement as everything after the episode where he was taken to task for creating the cold gun that's even now still causing problems for Team S.T.A.R. Labs.

I just have to say I actually really loved Coach (I mean I was like, twelve or something at the time) but between this and X-files I'm seriously concerned about the creative conditions in Hollywood right now. It's not like they're bringing back the "brilliant but canceled", they're reviving shit that ran it's natural

True, but my thought (and it might just be my skewed, siloed way of thinking about it) is he already fucked the "marriage-thing" up. There's ground to be gained in other aspects of "good Catholic"-ness, but that there? It might be a done deal. You know?

She was awesome. Kind of reminded me of Nadia from New Girl though. I mean, if Nadia was nicer and smart enough to be an OB/GYN. Ironic, I guess, since Max Greenfield was in this episode too.

My biggest complaint about The Mindy Project has always been that general sense of a lack of continuity. I find the best shows in general, but the best comedies in particular are the ones with strong continuous flow. It makes the jokes funnier and the set-ups stronger when they can be connected directly back to

I do like Morgan but I'd agree, less is more, which I don't feel like they grasp. Because he's one of them, I feel like the writers seem to inject Ike Barinholtz into a lot of things that they could try to utilize other cast members for (in a different way than they would use Morgan of course). I feel like that's also

I adore Chris Messina (like period, end of sentence) but I did really love Josh.

Although it could be said that he already burned that particular bridge when he divorced Christina. If he's going to hell for a "marital indiscretion", the deed's already been done. No need to marry again if your heart isn't in it or like Danny, you've lost faith in the institution. He's already been fitted for his

God, I love me some Deslauriers! Particularly Brendan but Duncan too. It was my fervent hope that somehow Mindy's fertility practice would have to incorporate the midwives (for referrals or something). But Mark Duplass' deal on Togetherness has since made me worry he won't be available. (sadface)

Agreed regarding Mindy's sari. Considering there's always a running commentary in the "Stray Observations" section about her outfits, I really thought it was a glaring omission. She was totally gorg in that!

Well, actually Mindy's there isn't she? She's splitting time between her fertility practice and Schulman and Assoc. right?

I don't remember her name but the really fun, snarky brunette in the wheelchair that dated Danny for a hot second…And another one, I think.

Thanks for the explanation. I'm coming to realize you have to take everything with a grain of salt when you listen to shippers.

I don't know if you're White or not but that was a very simplistic, insensitive and frankly insulting statement that read like it was made by someone who has never had to sit around since childhood and wonder if people who look like them even "exist" in the world created by a show.