
Though I enjoyed your whole comment, I upvoted it mainly because I literally laughed out loud at the remark about Kevin's ears. (Russell Tovey is all kinds of hot, but the ears do actually seem like they are trying to forcibly remove themselves from his head.)

I believe was married to Jane Kaczmarek (unless they reconciled) for like, eighteen years. I was really bummed when I heard they split.

Did you see and enjoy A Few Good Men, Malice or Moneyball? If so, you might not hate his steak as much as you think you will. If you haven't seen them, I suggest them or particularly The American President as an introduction to TWW. If you hated them all, then I'd say Aaron Sorkin is definitely not for you.

The only way in which the two things were actually connected was just in the fact that sharing her exploits were a means for her to get money now that she was unemployable (in her chosen field). …And maybe a little bit that she thought she could avenge herself on men in power when she was made to feel powerless by her

I agree. When I thought they were going with that facile conclusion- just like the Ferguson episode- I was disappointed. It was very convenient that they got around the glaring issue of her probably not getting any justice in her case by just killing her off. But interestingly, I actually preferred that to the

EXACTLY. With all that Vermont b.s.

Oh from your fingertips to God (or Shonda's ears)! I am not holding out hope though. But I'll take this interlude where it looks like she's come to her senses. I'll take anything really that keeps her and Fitz apart for a little while.

It seems like it's still really fashionable or on trend (even three years later) to trash Lena Dunham. So be careful admitting that you didn't find her completely vile and talentless.

Yeah, I think he was the one that first objected to paying her off. Leo put him in his place but I guess after the meeting adjourned he must have decided instead of breaking the law by paying her off, he'd break it by gutting her like a fish personally.

Joshua, you know usually I'm right there with you and while I basically agree with everything you said re: the imbalanced sexual politics of this show, I have to admit…I straight up loved this episode! This is the first A for me since definitely the season opener but maybe even since season two. (I grade Scandal

Oooh, good question! I assumed he could die but if that was the case, then Bonnie should have died from the wounds he inflicted on her there, right?

Thank you for reminding me of this!

I had to watch it twice, ahem, because I wasn't sure what I was seeing (…yeah that's the ticket).

I was under the impression that Robin Thicke is the one who opened this pandora's box by preemptively suing the Gaye family. If this is the case I can hardly feel sorry for him and whoever gave him that piece of bad advice. If not, then they are really going for their pound of flesh.

I agree with you but I think even Mindy Kaling might say you'd be in the minority - sizable? Yes possibly, but still the minority. The media (among other things) spend a lot of time telling women if you don't look like Kate Upton, JLo or Cara Delevingne you might as well put on your burlap muu-muu and strap on the

Sort of apropos of the theme this week, I think Jeremy lost a lot of his cool when he gained all that weight. (I was waiting for them to reference it this episode but as you said character continuity is sometimes lacking). I think between that and the deal with his family the confidence Jeremy displayed in season one

I replayed that mirror scene three times. That's got to be my new mantra. And I loved "I'm owning it!!" The wonder woman bangles and the roar sold it.

I was thinking more like, "your father is being held by a crazed maniac somewhere over there…and you're kissing Barry now? I mean, is that appropriate?" but you know different strokes…

I'm not much of a Superman fan and so I always assumed Metropolis (though it looked like a version of New York) was actually in Kansas somewhere. I mean, Smallville never seemed that far away so I though Metropolis was just the capital city or something.

I said this last week but I did the exact same thing Lip did and found out in the exact same way - with an administrative hold from the Registrar's office on the day before the first day of class. The difference is I didn't get any real help from Financial Aid. But, I didn't have the incredibly compelling story Lip