
I'd totally agree too if they weren't also going to be banging him at the same time. (And I totally believe it won't be long before the husband is joining in - in some way. Physically or just by being a voyeur). I know people have positive stories of being inducted into adulthood by an older sexual partner but it

I think they should have let some of the convo proceed so that it was clear what the guys' beef was. As it played out, it was very ambiguous and as a result sort of unsettling. To me at least.

Of the main characters on the show, that is absolutely not true: Rick & Carl Grimes, Darryl Dixon, Carol Peletier, Glenn Rhee, and Maggie Greene. The artist thing is news to me but I'll take you at your word.

My feeling is that while you're kinda correct, boiling adequate representation and characterization down to three essential criteria excludes a lot of possible complexity, but it's a very good place to start. And you have to start somewhere.

Tsk, Tsk. I have only ever boasted about watching one show.

The Good Wife has earned such faith and good-will from me that while normally I'd call that statement wishful thinking, for this show I'll say just say I agree…and hope so!

Yeah, plus I thought it was pretty well established that through Rev. Jeremiah or whomever, Peter actually had a decent-to-good relationship with the Black community going back to his prison days. (Which is unfortunately very realistic…we tend to be quite forgiving of people's foibles generally speaking).

Hopefully, it will help losing the election go down smoother. For her and us (although I don't think there are many viewers who actually want to see her win).

I personally appreciated the six week break. It allowed me to watch Downton Abbey and record The Walking Dead without a DVR conflict!

It's Robyn. And Jess Wexler apparently has other work over in LA, so they only get her when she's free.

I'm sure you have two or three examples in your backpocket for just such an occasion, so enlighten me. Name some shows that "have spectacularly complex female characters" and yet still fail the Bechdel Test.

I'm thinking you're being sarcastic but if we're being honest, we don't even know Michonne's last name or her past profession yet. So maybe she's not precisely underdeveloped but we certainly don't know a ton about her. Besides the fact that she lost her child to negligence on her boyfriend's part, there's not much

Oh, it's not just you.

Well, that's interesting….and thanks! (My haircut really looks like this.)

Honestly, we have no way of knowing at the end point of ADWD if what you've said is true at all.

I've always wondered…thanks.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. But that's not a bad idea. STARZ did it for Spartacus while they were waiting for Andy Whitfield (RIP) to recover. I'm not a fan of that series but I understood it went over well. I don't see why that couldn't work for GoT too. And like you said, it also kills two birds

Scatman Crothers?

I didn't see it that way. I saw it as Mindy having very little or limited religious conviction while Danny is very devout. In that case, she concedes we'll raise our kid in the manner that will make you happy and see what happens. Not that they are definitively deciding what their kid will think as an adult (not that

Thank you so much for the update. That was fabulous!