
Can't it be both though? Can't it be both fan service and the payoff that the audience has been waiting for for six seasons? (Not to mention that the show has been heavily hinting at this since season one when Lana was still with Cyril).

Honestly, that's what shocked me first. She said "pussy" twice (which I'm positive I've never heard on Archer before). So, by the time they got to the sex scene, I was a whole lot less shocked than I would have been otherwise.

I don't get it. Are you saying be an atheist or are you saying withhold your religion from your children and let them choose something (if they want to) as an adult?

Yeah, those are tasteless, one could say Shameless even, plot points but they're not trite. "OMG, who's the daddy?" isn't original or clever or even that particularly rare. There's a more interesting story that can be told by that situation (I don't know what it is, but I'm not one of the writers) than just Fiona had

You and me both…

This thread might have been annoying to you (seeing as how it was demanded that you explain yourself) but on the bright side, it was extremely informative for me.

Are you kidding? That was not Danielle Brooks.

Agreed. Sammi's just doing the Homemaker bit because she doesn't have a roof over her head and she's got to find a way to justify her and Chuckie's presence. It's entirely farce…she is a Gallagher after all.

I actually LOL'd at the last bit. That is an awfully accurate description of Carl. He's probably the most like Frank of all the kids. Which begs the question does that mean that the rest of them are like Monica?

Yeah, Sammi can stay but OMG I want her out of the Gallagher house as much as Frank does. I can't take her swanning around, issuing directives like she's Fiona or something. Grrr! Like Sheila, she needs to be in her own space where she interacts primarily with Frank alone. (Although, honestly I liked Sheila better).

I totally agree! There's a way in which seeing how Debbie is developing gives such insight into who Fiona was in the years preceding Season One. Debbie is maybe a little smarter and more pragmatic than her sister but that may come from (not to be too fucked up about it) her not being quite as objectively "pretty" as

The only reason I don't think we'll have a "Fiona gets knocked-up" storyline is because it's a little too trite and obvious. Add in the she-won't-know-who-the-daddy-is factor and it's just too much, even for this show. Although I'll admit, years of Maury Povich Show says that it's an entirely plausible plot

Yeah, I thought it was exactly the FAFSA information that was missing.

And striving for accuracy…

Probably not as odd as people like to pretend, and definitely not as uncommon. I think probably most women pray that they'll bond with their babies after-birth and a majority do. But I think there's a decent number that don't and then have to deal with the added pressure/disappointment of entire societies that act

I feel like I have a general inkling of your opinions about women and motherhood from your comments in The Mindy Project recaps. And I've agreed with you in part there, but I must say I couldn't agree with you more now.

I think as a general rule on AV Club people who include spoilers or things that may be perceived as spoilers tend to do as the Lieutenant suggested.

Rick already has become Shane. I think even Nicotero or somebody said it on Talking Dead recently.

It's funny because while I agree with you, it felt like every sentence uttered in this episode was either incomplete or ended in an ellipsis. I found myself rewinding and playing scenes again and again to see if I missed the subject or predicate. I never want to be talked down to or have things over-simplified but it

1000% with you.