
Using your example though, if you're planning to bring said cat into your house, you are going to need to figure out what to do with him. You do need to find out if he's house-broken. It can't be a free-for-all. She has to figure Daryl out and find some way to integrate him into the society she's trying to create (or

I've been trying with mixed results. Like, at first I was thrilled to see Art in the office but then I remembered he's really Nick Searcy and the joy died. (I've been having the same issue with Adam Baldwin since I went down that rabbit hole).

I agree and driving that point home for me, I just saw a truly horrifying video on Facebook of this woman repeatedly smacking her tiny crying infant in the face.

Didn't realize that…your rationale makes a lot of sense. I can't quite say "nevermind" but that's good information to know. :-)

You and me both, her complacency is what convinced me it all must have been a test. I couldn't believe this "Warren Buffett"-esque guy who had the foresight enough to make his daughter his number two could actually be such a sexist homophobe. And that she would sit so passively by as he spewed that garbage? I was so

More likely nowadays It's a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story.

very true!

I don't know. On second glance, maybe my guide is acting up. The second episode of Drag Race is listed as two hours long. Maybe Cucumber or Banana will come on during that unknown block.

In the beginning of the episode when Alicia opened the door to Prady for their "backchannel" discussion, was I the only one who for a split second thought she'd finally decided to get it in with Finn? (or Elfman for that matter?)

I really don't think Bishop would kill an adult Dylan. Again and again, Dylan has been shown as the one chink in his armor. Bishop doesn't even want Dylan taking after him. No, Dylan is the only person in his life that is probably safe. I don't think he'd hesitate to kill, let's say, his sister, who wanted to fight

My thoughts exactly.

I said it above but I wanted to mention to you particularly. I thought it was a trick by Redmayne to find out who really had his interests at heart. I thought he was testing them both to see who was the real liberal ideologue and who was just an obsequious sycophant (in which case, unfortunately Alicia would have lost

I have to be honest. I thought it was Redmayne's ploy to see who he'd really finance. I.E. He'd get behind Prady because he had enough integrity to stand up and tell him "I'm not okay with the horrible things you're saying." I was surprised to find out it wasn't. I thought it would have been a clever way to make

I have LOGO and all that I see on my programming guide is a two hour block of Drag Race. Are you sure about that?

I think it was just Cookie Lyon slapping her own ass!

I agree.

It sounds like you like Russell Tovey, the actor and wish he was part of the core-four. But fortunately/unfortunately he's not.

I like Russell Tovey (and I think he's hot) but I think you've hit upon exactly his character's function. To serve as an obstacle for Patrick (with or without Richie). I don't know that he's necessarily going to get anymore fleshed out than that. And I don't think, personally, I need him to.

I concur totally. That scene in the last episode on the stoop was such a red-flag. Jon would have had to be deaf, dumb and blind to not pick-up on the tension between Patrick and Kevin. He probably questioned Kevin as soon as they were out of earshot and broke up with him before the night was over.

Maybe a new group joined by the disgruntled pair that were exiled.