
I don't think they've forgotten him. I think Scott Gimple said Lennie James is quite busy in the UK so they get him when they can (and presumably when it makes sense in the narrative).

EDIT: someone just said what I was about to so I'm changing it.

You think she's a plant? Trojan Horse-style to get the gates open? That's pretty clever. Of course, Carl & Co. won't have any trouble merc-ing her when the shit hits the fan unlike the Alexandria folks.

Plus, wasn't she in police academy or something prior to the ZA?

I think part of the Daryl thing is his clear resistance, not really that she has no clue what to do with him. She has no buy-in at all from him (unlike a Rick or Glenn, who are just a little leery and reticent).

I had a dude call his big, crazy-ass beard his "flavor-saver" as he licked spilled juice out of it in front of me. Now admittedly, he did this deliberately to gross me out, but the point was indelibly made. I just can't with excessive facial hair. Not anymore, not since my psyche was scarred. (And I hadn't even been a

You definitely don't have to be gay to not appreciate a hobo-beard.

I could swear some rap song* referred to girls (or their asses) as "biscuits". It was pretty obvious that wasn't the context of Aiden's statement…I'm just referring to your comment.

Glenn, who killed a zombie without a weapon while tied to a chair in a locked room? He can't fend off an errant sucker punch? Really?

She's who I assumed had Rick's gun. I wonder how that will play out, 'cuz it can't mean nothing.

…democracy is a "luxury" of the stable.

I was just thinking about this the other day with regard to Elijah Wood. Thanks for breaking that down. I always wondered why most film/tv kids end up growing into weird, elfin-looking adults. (Or like Gary Coleman and Emmanuel Lewis - don't "grow up" at all). Your explanation makes a lot of sense.


The peeps on Tumblr call them "Daryl" in case you're really wondering and not being funny…

Don't worry I know it's just wishful thinking on my part. It seems pretty clear that Mark Goffman, meant us to feel she was moving on to her big "reward in the sky" with her evil son by her side.

Ever since I saw her in this little movie named Easy, I completely concur. She's the complete package.

Akimbo, here you are!

I would agree. Over-explanation is a sign of bad writing in general, but do you honestly feel like their relationship is adequately explained/shaded in the writing? Do you think, in general, that this show is well-written to your definition of the word? I have to say that while I enjoy watching, I don't find it

I would have agreed with you if Connor hadn't gone all "shooting star" in the whole aftermath. I mean, Michaela was definitely in second place but since Sam's murder went down, Connor was definitely the weakest link.

Owen does too.