“And if ya missed it
“And if ya missed it
So, grab them by the Donald Trump during the Vietnam War?
If it had fallen on him I would have started going back to Church (my mom would be thrilled). Close but no cigar, Jesus.
500 Days of Melania
Michelle Obama hasn’t talked about this yet, so Melania’s reaction is pending.
Fuck this asshole. My daughter is autistic. She has been autistic since she was born. I knew there was something different long before she got the MMR vaccine. My daughter being autistic is just who she is. She sees and processed the world differently. That’s okay. I wouldn’t change her even if I could. To me it…
I will never get tired of people complaining about Feinberg not writing about sports!
At least, Leo still has some real hair. And, I assume, normal sized hands.
Yep....dancing, fucking, and drinking far more than humans are intended to ingest in a single setting is exactly it’s purpose (as far as my experience is concerned).
Consecutive Days Ashley Has Worked “Fuck” (in the Sex Connotation) into a Headline That Has Appeared on Deadspin: 2
They should just merge the Concourse and the Slot into a new political blog.
Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.
Amen. A life spent in service of vanity is no life at all. Take a shower every day, don’t mainline hard drugs and go for a walk once in a while. Let the rest of the chips fall where they may.
With that kind of attitude from Rio’s mayor, I doubt that Australia, the UK, or New Zealand will share their common wealth with him.
Bear in a car as happy as can be
“That’s not how you play hide the cigar...”
Nobody that has ever driven in a Texas city should be surprised by this video.