

I see your shitty white lady moves to Harlem and complains about Mister Softee and I RAISE you shitty white lady moves to Crown Heights and opens a bar with 40oz. bottles of rose in brown paper bags and bullet holes in the wall that really bring the room together.

Fine I’ll say it - when can we start taking bets on a same sex scandal involving “The Mooch?

Its always been clean and accepted to run into him precisely to get the ball out the glove except where the runner deviates from the base path to initiate contact (Posey Rule). I don’t get your statement.

How was this guy on any tennis team in school? Fucking prep school at that?

Conservatives vote for the same turtle faced politicians for 30 years then blame that one black guy for all the problems.

I know a Boston guy now living in NYC, a friend of a friend actually, who is an established writer - like published books and writes for a variety of different mainstream magazines. He once wrote about Schilling’s 38Studios mess that scammed Rhode Island or whatever state that trash was running out of and in

Has trump tweeted his take yet?

...and there’s my answer to the ubiquitous “what would you change” question.

Now I can’t read it without the Daniel Stern voice...


The F-35 is god awfully ugly. Bring back the F-14!!!

looking back, nothing made less sense than watching porn with your friends.

I bet your love life is going great Sue...

You must be great at parties. Watching Law & Order and acting like an armchair attorney? Thanks for pondering and taking an interest in what I watch or that I was arguing the case for the legality of said rule. Apologies if my question, as originally stated, offends your legal sensibilities but it was just that, a

How is this even possible let alone legal? So the authorities have acknowledged that she was not willfully avoiding a test and that insofar as they know she was not using banned substances and that still isn’t enough to issue her some sort of one time waiver? It’d be one thing if her missed tests were because she was

I hate to state the obvious but why in the world was she driving a ‘98 Camry and working a grave yard shift as a FedEx package handler? A newer car perhaps could’ve been safer, working those hours probably had her drowsy, maybe she was texting, so many questions and what ifs. 22 years old, a kid with a world ahead of

That’s a well known story at this point. I’m talking about not just his disrespect at women while he played there. He was an ass to students, coaches, the athletic department in general and faculty. After he turned pro it got worse and only allowed because he would donate consistently (and with HEAVY conditions on how

I know someone who used to be the head coach of another sport at Tennessee (assistant while Peyton was there, HC after he left) and simply put, NO they are not as virtuous as they sell themselves to be. Enough stories out there about Peyton’s playing days but my guy told me a few stories of his, and by extension the