
You can always have another kid asshole. However, there is a very finite window to be successful at most sports, especially one that requires as much quickness, agility and hand-eye coordination as fencing.

Jesus Christ she looks like a fucking ape.

I didn’t say “rich”, I said BILLIONAIRE (I know, reading is hard).

Because as we all know, being a billionaire is quite mediocre.

So you’re telling me a fag who writes for Jezebel injects gender and sexuality into discussion that has nothing to do with gender and sexuality.

I still don't understand why the players fall on the ground and act they they just got shot every 2 minutes.

“Flopping” is not accepted in hockey and basketball. There are actual rules against it and those that do it are mocked by the fans, as opposed to soccer where the players are worshiped for pretending to be hurt.

Euro Cup is going well for all those classy soccer fans, huh?

Being “fit” has NOTHING to do with athleticism.

The US has the most gold and overall medals combined from the previous summer and winter Olympics. If you have a a problem understanding that means we have the best athletes in the world, then I guess thats your problem.

And clearly you have a very liberal definition of the word “athlete”. I’m speaking of top-level, incredible performers such as LeBron James or Odell Beckham, Jr, not some midget that gets behind the wheel of a car.

Always like a liberal to think they are speaking for “everyone”.

1 obvious take from the match:

I tell you “fans” of your sport assault and murder each other, cause riots and burn Nazi symbols into the field and your response is pictures of Canadian hockey fans after a game?

You use a lot of personal attacks and profanity in your responses.

You are forgetting the fact that soccer isn’t a sport. It’s a bunch of bird chested pussies running around and then falling down pretending to be hurt.

God that was an awful and forced joke.

More exciting then soccer.