
Are airbags still necessary? It seems like cars have gotten so much safer with their crumple zones that steering wheel airbags may do more harm than good. I read a lot of medical reports from car accidents for work, and there are always injuries from the airbag ranging from burns to respiratory problems to hand,

I’m pretty sure the entire market is hippies who sold out and are now trying to relive their youth.

I just put some electrical tape on the LED and it actually shines through! Not very much, but still...that’s a bright LED.

I just put some electrical tape on the LED and it actually shines through! Not very much, but still...that’s a

the brighter than the sun LED (which I covered with electrical tape)

the brighter than the sun LED (which I covered with electrical tape)

Rich people ruin EVERYTHING cool by pricing the actual cool people out.

Luckily for me I was young enough that I didn’t see or understand any of the criticisms that you had of the show, I just saw an awesome car who was the star of the show. I used to call my bicycle KITT and I would hit an imaginary Turbo Boost button on my handlebars.

I just caught the very end of the race and I was impressed that Hamilton was able to finish in third place. If this guy can dominate like that, maybe he needs to be banned from F1 to make it fair for the other drivers? (that’s a joke, in case anyone is wondering)

Yes! I love having a pace car in front of me eating up all of that police radar.

I drive FAST always but have no problem letting someone FASTER go ahead of me. It boggles my mind.

But it looks like those Camaros were allowed to drop onto the ground, so there’s probably some damage to repair and paint that got messed-up.

The car lot is tucked away in the trees, so nobody could see it from the road:

My cheap Kia had wheel locks, so I’m sure that these cars did too. I’ll bet that the thieves just had the right key or keys and had one or two guys remove all of the locks while another group of guys went behind them and removed the regular lugnuts.

I just looked this place up on Google maps to see if there were other dealerships next door who they could share a night watchman with, and this place is a robbery waiting to happen. I would be surprised if there are any nights where they don’t have a theft or vandalism.

“they didn’t give me anything I could work with.”

A few weeks ago I learned from the comments on an article here that this is pretty common, so why don’t big car lots hire night watchmen? It’s gotta be cheaper to hire a guy for $40k a year rather than go through this and other lesser theft and vandalism, right? Or is it cheaper to just have insurance and let them pay

Inherited it or married a rich wife. Or this is just another fake story, so who knows.

in most states (I assume you live in Texas) 91 is the highest you can get.

Unfortunately the angle is not that different from a normal mouse so I didn’t feel any difference in the wrist.

Unfortunately the angle is not that different from a normal mouse so I didn’t feel any difference in the wrist.

City of Brotherly love, ladies and gentlemen. Because, clearly, if you think that’s a good thing, you don’t have siblings

Top 2 for sure. Chasing Classic Cars is the best and Wheeler Dealer’s is a close second.