You let them keep their legs? If you keep that up, they might try to unionize.
You let them keep their legs? If you keep that up, they might try to unionize.
Probably because it never sat. In my opinion a car that gets driven all the time and has high miles but is well maintained is usually way more reliable than a low mileage garage queen.
So tell your personal assistant that their job for this week is to fire your large chauffeur and hire a small one. These are simple problems that money can fix!
How many Maybach owners do you think have ever changed the oil themselves?
But, you’d be the dopest Uber driver in the Del Boca Vista community.
$60k is still way too much for a car that’s 13 years old. Also why the hell would anyone buy this when nowadays you can get a brand new $60k car that has nearly all of the features that this Maybach has?
As a smoker I’m 100% behind a law like this. It’s a dirty enough habit but when I see people flick butts onto the street it disgusts me. I’m a smoker and I make sure I collect all my butts. It’s not that fucking hard people.
Well, therein is the rub...
Dear assholes of the world. There are these fantastic modern inventions like trash cans and ash trays. Please use them and stop throwing your crap on the ground.
Good. If someone wants to be a smoker, that’s their business. But littering is a crime, and smokers aren’t an exception to the laws.
It works. Its a very densely populated place, people practically live on top of one another. The only way it remains a pleasant and civil place to live is by enforcing standards. You have to be a pretty disgusting person to throw a cigarette butt on the ground, spit gum on the sidewalk, or spray paint a car anyway.…
I rather enjoyed my time there, although my bank manager was less impressed. It’s bloody expensive...
As it should be. The fact that vast numbers of smokers consistently think it’s ok to litter the streets and drains (which in some cases lead to lakes and oceans) is disgusting. Even designated smoking areas (at work places for instance) are littered with cigarette butts on the ground and in the landscaping, even…
If you don't flush a public toilet, it's a $1000 fine. They check.
what, precisely, do they consider flushing to be?
I wish we’d do that here in the US. The international race folks all smoke like chimneys and litter like fiends. I find cigarette butts in all kinds of places after a race.
eh its our smokers tax thats paying for us.. and many others as is...
Now that’s how a civilized society works.