If I saw this in a movie I’d immediately think to myself “Bullshit. That can’t happen.”
If I saw this in a movie I’d immediately think to myself “Bullshit. That can’t happen.”
I just discovered it a few months ago when my cable provider added Velocity tv and it’s by far my favorite car show. I assumed that they were still making it, so when you say you “loved that show” I guess that means there won’t be any new ones, but luckily for me I’ve got several years of episodes to catch up on.
Also, my car is little, so when I shift into 5th gear sometimes the shifter will hit my passenger in the leg, so do right hand drive cars always have that problem when shifting into 1st gear?
Wouldn’t a 6th gear just be for highway use? I’ve got a tiny little 4 cylinder with a 5 speed and I’d love to have a 6th gear to shift into when I’m on the highway and get above 75 mph.
I’ve always wondered about that, because I’ve always thought that it would be really hard to make the switch. I used to think that right hand drive cars had a different gearbox that was a mirror of a regular one (with 1st gear at the top right) so it seems like it’d always be weird to have 1st gear as the one that’s…
In its filing Monday, GM said Stevens initially said he was driving with just a few items attached to his key. But the key chain shown to jurors comprised three rings holding additional items like a souvenir Eiffel Tower and gym membership card, according to the motion.
Junk mail is a big business. There’s a company in my town that prints envelopes for junk mail and they’re expanding into a bigger building and hiring more people.
You know, I also wondered if you were raised by gay men or if you were just using black slang, but it’s refreshing to see you insult the other commenter instead of going on some anti-homophobia rant. (not that you would normally do that, but it seems like too many others would)
I agree and disagree. The mud flap girls are the classiest (especially if in chrome!), followed by airbrushed boobies, and the angel/devil stripper stickers are at the bottom.
I’d like to see some pictures of the interior taken with a blacklight before I decide if this is NP or CP. If there are no body fluids on the upholstery I’d say NP, but this thing probably lights up like a planetarium when you hit it with a blacklight.
Anything with Phil Hartman was great.
A car ahead of its time. They’ll probably be the next big thing with the hipsters, so buy ‘em up now while prices are low!
Were there any chickens or other livestock on the bus with you? Because that’s the stereotype of South and Central American busses, so I was wondering how true that really is.
Yep. And considering his taste in cars I’m surprised that he has a woman in the pictures with him.
Probably got a Workman’s Comp settlement and blew the entire thing on a new Mustang. But it’s like Billy Joel said, “And if he can’t drive with a broken back, at least he can polish the fenders.”
I have some manual transmission questions: Is a 4th to 2nd downshift bad for your transmission? I do that a lot and now I occasionally grind when downshifting from neutral into 2nd (is shifting from neutral into 2nd bad?). Also, I used to like to rev up to 5,000 or 6,000 RPMs before shifting when on a highway onramp,…
You know, I’m surprised that moving your side view mirrors from the A-pillar to the fender area hasn’t become a thing to do. It’d be a pretty easy mod to do and it’d make your car look much more unique.